Chapter 17

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GUUUYYYSSS!!! I have 870 reads now, and 94 votes... I love you I love you so much!!! <3 When Destroya got deleted I was like... damn... I'll never get another story that so many people will like... And of course, this is nothing like Destroya... the story is different, and that story had 16x as many reads, but hey, it's a start! Destroya started with 0 reads too :)

Sorry for this weird talk but I'm just so happy that so many people like this story! I was afraid people would get mad or something because I made Frank transgender, and that isn't the usual Frerard story... But I guess I was wrong to worry about that <3

Okay enough talking, enjoy my new chapter <3

I love you guys!


"Frank Iero?" the nurse says as she scans the waiting room. I let her know it's me and I stand up, together with Gee and his mom. We're at the hospital. No, not because something is wrong. My wounds all heal very quick and it seems there's no brain damage, thank God. No. We're here because today I've got my first appointment with this transgender specialist. She's going to talk to me and discuss all the options I have about hormones and stuff like that.

I'm fucking nervous.

Gerards holds my hand to give me strength and I give him a thankful smile. He smiles back, mouthing: 'you can do this babe', which makes me feel better even more. We walk into the little office and we sit down, waiting for the doctor to come.

Then she walks in. She closes the door and gives us all a hand, introducing herself as Dr. Hale. She sits down in front of us and opens an empty file.

"So. Who of you two is Frank?" she asks, and I shyly raise my hand. She gives me an encouraging smile.

"Hello Frank. So... I understand you fully want to become a girl, is that right?" she asks me. I nod and bite my lips. I don't know why, it's a normal question but it makes me so emotional... Dammit Frankie, keep your shit together...

"Can I ask you, why you haven't come to the hospital earlier?" she asks me then. And that's it. I start to cry. Gerard wraps his arms around me to comfort me. He rocks me a little and kisses my hair to calm me down.

"I... My parents..." I stutter.

"You're parents weren't okay with it?"

"Exactly..." I whisper. Dr. Hale looks at me and I can see she feels bad for me.

"Well, don't worry Frank. It might be a little late, but you can still start with taking hormones. How long before you turn eightteen?"

"Two weeks. Why?"

"Because you're not eightteen yet, I still need your parents to be okay with this. But if you turn eightteen in two weeks, that problem will be gone. So I'll make sure everything is ready, if you come back in two weeks, I'll have the hormones for you. Of course I need to do a couple of tests now, to find out which hormones suit you the best. Are you ready for that?" she says with a smile and I nod. I pull away from Gerard and mouth him I'll be okay, and then I follow Dr. Hale. She takes a little bit of blood and my saliva from me, and runs some other tests.

Then we walk back to Gerard and his mother. Dr. Hale tells me again that the hormones will be there for me in two weeks, and she gives me a brochure about transgender people, what is is, what there can be done about it and some information about support groups. I thank her and we shake hands, and then we walk outside of the office. Gerard smiles to me and kisses me briefly.

"It's going to happen babe." he smiles. I feel the adrenaline rush through my body as I realise he's right. It's true. It's going to happen. I'm going to be a girl...

It's not who I am... - FrerardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang