Chapter 26

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I sigh happily when I walk home after school. Today was fine. People seem to get tired of making the same jokes about me over and over again, and I like the lack of attention. One girl even came up to me in the bathroom and said that I actually looked great as a girl. She quickly walked away after that, not wanting to get caught talking to me, but it made me so happy.

Gerard was out early today, so he already went home. Normally I wouldn't like being alone outside, but the weather is nice and it's good to be alone sometimes. I like the silence. I like how I'm not forced to talk now, and I can just think of things without people asking what my toughts are about.

I'm almost home. I look to my old house. The one where my parents still live. Sometimes I wonder if they would've loved me if I had been a boy, but to be honest, I think that they would've found other things to hate me for. They just don't know how to love, I mean, they don't even genuinly love each other. Then suddenly the front door opens and my dad walks out. He catches me staring and frowns, for a single moment he doesn't even know who I am, but then he gasps and takes a step back. "Jesus Frank, is that you?" he manages to choke out. I flinch at the name. "Y-yes. Hi dad..." I stutter. "I'm just-"

My dad shakes his head and the look he gives me is one of pure disgust. Then his eyes go wide. "Y-You're growing breasts?" he laughs out. I don't know where the sudden confidence comes from, but I take a few steps closer to him. "You can laugh at me as much as you want, but yes, I'm growing breasts. Because I'm a girl, and if you would know how to love you would accept me as your daughter, but you're just a heartless man who works too much and doesn't even pay attention to his wife anymore. You're an asshole, and I'll never forgive you and mom for not accepting me." I hiss, and then I turn around to walk to Gerard's house. When I'm in the doorstep, I look to my dad once more. He looks so angry... I stick up my middle finger to him. "Fuck you!" And then I walk inside. I take a deep, shaky breath and walk into the living room to see Mikey there, together with another boy. They're both blushing and fumbling on their clothes. A grin spreads across my face.

"Uhm. Hi. Jamia." he stutters and tries to make a pokerface, but it fails. I smile. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Mikey and the other boy let out a breath in relief and they smile at me. "Mikey, is Gerard upstairs?" I ask him then. Mikey nods. "Yeah."

"Okay. I'll see you later. Don't do anything I wouldn't do either." I chuckle as I walk away. Mikey laughs as I leave the room, knowing that I implied that whatever they do, I'm okay with it. Somehow Mikey and I grew very close. I feel like I'm his sister, and Mikey told me he felt that way too, even though I'm his brother's girlfriend.

I still have a smile on my face when I enter Gerard's room. He looks up from a comic book and smiles. "Hi there beautiful."

"Hi there." I say and I can't stop grinning about the fact that Mikey is probably kissing that boy again right now. Who would've thought that Mikey wasn't straight. Gerard frowns. "What are you grinning about?"


"That's not true."

"No. But I promised not to tell anything. So, nevermind. Actually, I just ran into my father... He..." I say and I sigh. Gerard immediately puts away the comic and walks over to me to hug me. "Are you okay?" he whispers worriedly. I shrug. "I have no idea... I actually screamed some things to him but I don't think that any of it worked..."

"But hey, at least you fought back!"

"Yeah..." I whisper hesitantly. Gerard hugs me tighter and presses a kiss on my forehead. "I am so proud of you." he whispers then and I smile. Gerard is always so supportive. No matter what I do. He understands. I love him. Not just the teenage 'I love you', but so much more. I can feel it everywhere in my body. This is him.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now