Chapter 5

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"Uh. Gerard? Are you okay?" I say with a frown. I was telling him something but after a few sentences I notices he is not listening at all.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry. Yeah. I'm back on earth." he says and blushes. "I was watching your beautiful face and I zoned out." he says then. It feels like he hit me in my face. I blush and look to the ground.

"So. You're gay?" I ask him when my body relaxed. Gerard shrugs.

"Not sure. I do like some girls, but I prefer boys." he smiles and I try to smile back. See, he prefers boys. He'll never like me...

"You?" he asks me. I bite my lips.

"It's.... complicated. But yes, I also like boys, never been in love with a girl."

"You want to go out with me?" Gerard asks and that's when I almost choke on my ice coffee.

"You... you want to go out with me? Uhm. Really, Gerard, I'd love to... but... but I'm a really complicated person... If you don't want to throw yourself in to that, I'll recommend you to stay away from me..." I whisper. Gerard grabs one of my hands.

"I don't care that you're complicated, Frankie. I like you, and whatever it is that you think I will not like, I'll try to understand and accept it. I promise. I will not give up on a beautiful boy like you, just because it's not easy." he smiles and tears fill my eyes.

"You're so sweet Gerard." I whisper, while wiping away my tears. Gerard smiles to me and squeezes my hand.

When we finished our ice coffees we go to Gerard's house. I introduce myself to his parents, and then we go to Gerard's room. Because there are still no chairs, we sit on his bed and talk. We talk about our hobbies, books, music... Yes, we have a lot in common.

When I say I have to go back home for dinner, Gerard invites me to stay here. So I call my parents to ask if it's okay.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now