Chapter 4

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I walk over to Frank's house and ring the bell. A few seconds later his mother opens the door.

"Hello Mrs. Iero, is Frank home?"

"Uhh, yeah I think he is, I'm not sure. You can check out if he's in his room" she says and lets me in.

"Thank you." I say and wonder why she doesn't know whether Frank is home or not. I get the feeling that Frank's parents are not exactly fond of their son.

I knock on Frank's door.

"Who's there?"

"A very good looking red haired neighbour." I answer and I hear Frank giggle and I smile. Frank is so cute. No... no Gerard. Don't think that!

"You can come in, Gee." Frank says and I walk. I see him closing a notebook.

"Is that your secret diary?" I joke, but Frank nods.

"Yeah it is. But don't tell my parents, they can't know about it."

"Then why can I? You only met me but you know your parents your whole life."

"My parents don't like me. I don't trust them. I do trust you. You seem like a good guy." Frank explains and sighs. I see it hurts him that his parents don't like him. I feel so sorry for him...

"Then why don't they like you?"

"Because... because I am not what they want me to be. I'm not okay in their eyes. They even said I was in contact with the devil..."

"Then why do you still live here?"

"Because I'm not eighteen yet. As soon as I am, I'll be gone."

"I'm so sorry Frank..."

"I know you are, thank you. So. What exactly are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me? I'm bored and Mikey is annoying and saying stupid things to me and you are nice company." I smile. Frank smiles back.

"Sure. I'm glad I don't have a little brother. Where do you want to go?"

"Starbucks?" I propose and Frank grins.

"I like you even more now, Gee." he laughs. He hides his diary under his matress and puts on his shoes. We walk to Starbucks and order some ice coffee.

"Oh. I love Starbucks so much." Frank moans after he drank half of his coffee. I wonder what his moans

sound like when I fuck him... NO GEE! Fucking stop thinking like this!

I know it's too late. I really like Frank, even though I just met him. He is so beautiful, but also mysterious. I know something is bothering him, but he is afraid to tell me because his parents rejected him. I'll stop trying to hold myself back from him, and instead I'll try to win him for me, and let him trust me enough to tell me his problem. And whatever it is, I will not reject him. Never.

It's not who I am... - FrerardWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt