Chapter 14

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We look at Keith with our eyes wide. This is...shocking. What's that? I turn to look into the kitchen and water is boiling over the pot. "Crap!" I get up from the couch and tend to the pot. Charlie follows me and as soon as he gets in, the water scalds me. "Ow!" I scream in pain. "You okay? Come on let me do it." He says trying to push me away. "Don't." I say while I lower down the temperature. I stab a fork in the broccoli to check its softness. I switch off the stove completely and I move the pot over to to the sink with a basket with holes in it. A drainer. I pour out the contents of the pot and the steam blurs my vision for a moment.

"Can you prepare the blender with milk and cream with some herbs?"

"Sure." Charlie crouches under me and he taps on my lower thighs. "Move, I need to get the blender." I scurry over for him to get the blender. While I allow the broccolis to cool, Charlie pours in the blender with milk and cream. "This is good, now move along." I push him away and I throw in the cooled broccolis in. I close the cap of the blender and allow it blend away.

"Are you okay?" Charlie says as he grabs my wrist. "You burned your hand."

"I'm fine." As I say that, he grabs my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. I'm taken aback by his actions but I give in anyways. The sound of the blender whirrs into silence as we become more intimate. He wraps his arms around my arms as I do so too. "Charlie dear we're home!"

"Mommy!" Keith screams in delight.

Shit his parents are home. I don't look presentable. I'm in my shorts and my tank top for goodness sake. I push him away as his parents enter the kitchen. "Oh were we interrupting?" Charlie's father says bobbing his eyebrows.

"No you didn't Mr Hemmings." I say with my hands behind me. "What's that you're blending up?" Charlie's mum says as she comes in carrying Keith in her arms.

"Broccoli, cream and a little bit of herbs. Keith said," When I mention Keith's name, he opens up his arms to me. He tries to get out from his mum's grip. I walk over to carry him in mine. "As I was saying, Keith said he was hungry and I told him that I would make something better than chocolate."

"So, what are you doing here?" Charlie's dad asks.

"He called me saying he needed help with his brother."

Charlie scratches the back of his neck and looks at his mum and dad. They shake their head I amusement and Charlie's mum checks her watch. "It's already 6.30. Don't you have somewhere to go to?"

Charlie and I look at each other, not really sure what's going on. Then, it hits me. Prom! "We have prom! We're late!"

"I won't have time to get ready!" I pave around the kitchen. "Try to make it. I'll pick you up in 1 hour?"

"Okay," I grab my car keys and drive back home. It's a 5 minute drive and I only have 25 minutes left. As I drive home, I estimate the time I need to do everything. 15 minutes of bath time and 10 minutes of beauty time. Then a 20 minute drive to school.

I park my car at the sidewalk of my house and I fumble quickly with the keys to my home. The door opens with Jackson standing there. "Where have you been? Mum's been calling you!"

"I was at his house, okay? I have to go, I'm late for prom!" I shout at him and he moves away.

I race up the stair to my room and I quickly take off my clothes and wrap myself in my towel. I enter my bathroom.As I have estimated, I'm done within 15 minutes. I open my wardrobe to find my dress and the dress that grannie gave me. Which is it? "I'll choose the one grannie gave me." I mutter to myself. I wear my matching bra and undies and slip on the dress. It hugs my body perfectly as it flows down to the ground. I comb out my hair and apply some makeup. I check the time to my phone and its already 7! Charlie must be waiting downstairs already! I grab my clutch and stuff all my necessities in there. I wear my heels and leave my room immediately. I walk down the stair carefully and I hear laughters coming from the kitchen. "You have such a great sense of humor young man!" my mom says. "Bring her back home before midnight." my dad says sternly.

He's here. In my house. Interacting happily with my parents. "Charlie! Hi!" I say as I walk in to the kitchen.

He stares at me with his eyes open, looking at me from head to toe. "You look gorgeous." he says slowly.

"My baby girl is all grown up." my mom say covering her mouth with both her hands. My dad brings her into an embrace. "Well, so are you." I say to Charlie. "Okay, Mr and Mrs Chase. We've got to go as we are extremely late."

"Have fun!" My mom says as Charlie and I enter his car. He starts the car and the engine roars to life. He accelerates and we're out into the highways to school. Hell no this is happening.

"Shit." Charlie mutters to himself.

"How are we going to arrive in time?" I look at him worriedly.

The traffic congestion is horrible, cars are honking everywhere and the road is jam packed everywhere with vehicles of all sizes.

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