Chapter 6

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"Yes." I said to him trying to hold back my joy.

"Really?! You will?!" His eyes starting to shine.

I nod slowly and he gives me a hug. Friends. We are just friends. Friends going to prom together. I want to ask Soo Young if she has a date to prom, but I don't think it's possible, since we're not on good terms.

I rush back home to tell my mom. She's busy doing the dishes."Hey mom! I got a date to prom!"

"That's great darling. Who's the special guy? And how was the talent show?"

"I got 1st place! That special guy you're referring to is just a friend mom, nothing more. "

"Congratulations, you did great! I'm so sorry that I couldn't go. There's still so much unpacking to do. If that special guy is nothing more than just a friend then why are you so excited?"

"Well, because he's pretty much the closest guy friend that I know, plus he's living a few blocks down.So when should we go dress hunting?"

"Whenever you want dear. I'm not working after all."

"Then could we go now? I want to look for the perfect one." I squeal happily.

"Okay. Once I'm done with my chores we will go."

"YAY!" I jump around happily.

I go on to Google to look for inspiration. There a bunch of them. From flowy dresses to bandage dresses. Sweetheart busts to straight cuts. The list was endless. I scrolled down but none seemed to appeal me.

"Hey sis!" Jackson says as he comes down from the upper level.

"Hey Jackson! Fitting in well?" I turn my body to greet him.

"Sure am. Got some girls at school already clinging onto me." he brags.

"You? Girls? No way. I'd laugh my butt off if you were to bring a girl home." I say sarcastically.

"Oh shut up. So, have a date to prom? Is he 'the one'?" He says hopefully.

"No he's not! He's just a friend, nothing more." I say trying to push away his remarks.

"I don't know...You're still teenagers after all." He bobs his shoulders and walks back up while checking his iPhone.

Charlie...'the one'? No! I slap myself back into reality. He is definitely not the one. I've already made it clear myself, I'm not going to get a boyfriend. This is not right! Having a boyfriend during high school is like...ugh! Getting a boyfriend is just going to NOT improve my studies.

No ******* way.

"Okay dear. I'm done. Let's go dress hunting!" My mom says happily as she comes out from the kitchen.

I slip my Samsung smartphone into my pocket, calling out to Jackson from below."Hey Jack! Need us to get anything?"

" thanks!" He says loudly from above.

"Okay! Let's go mum," I say calmly, gesturing her to get into car.

I get into mum's car and mom starts the engine with just a press of a button. No car keys. We sit in silence until mum starts talking.

"You've been to this new school for almost a month. Have you got a friend?" mum says with concern.

"I did. She's Korean." I look down as tears start to pool my eyes. Oh, why am I crying so much today?

"What's with the past tense? Are the both of you no longer friends?" she continues to drive, turning into a roundabout.

'I guess so. She broke off with me because I won 1st prize and she didn't." Now my tears are blurring my vision.

"Now that's being unreasonable!She should be happy for you!" mum says in protest.

"I wished she did." The tears flow down.

"Oh don't cry. Friends like this aren't worth crying for." Mum says as she pats my back softly.

"They're just b****y." I swear.

"No dear they're not b*****s. They just didn't follow this term. 'Action speaks louder than words can.' " My mum swears as well.

We pull up into the parking lot. We get down and we walk into the mall. This is going to be a good workout. We'll be walking all around shops to looks for the perfect dress.

This is going to be a long day.

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