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"This is too heart wrenching Delilah! How could you just move away like that?" My best friend Reena cried over the phone.

"I'm so sorry. I tried to convince my dad that I would stay with you, but he insisted that we leave Orlando as a family." I said trying to reason with her.

"I'll miss you bunches girl, see you soon. Make sure to visit me when you're back during the holidays."

"I'll miss you too Reena. Hope I can fit in well during school since I'm moving in the middle of the year,"

"Okay girl, my momma is screaming at me now. She's probably on her period." Reena states.

"Haha! Okay, bye." I chuckle and say my goodbyes to Reena and hang up.

I put my phone down and go down to the living room, it is packed with boxes and all the furnitures are gone. My brother Jackson and Dad are loading the things in the car while mom is still packing up stuff. I walk over to her. "Can I help?"

"It's okay dear. Why don't you pack up your belongings in your room?"

"Okay." I get a box and run up to my room with it. I start packing my clothes, jewelry, makeup and some random stuff. While I was packing, two men came inside and started unscrewing my bed frame. Two more came in to take the mattress. Soon after, the room was empty. All that was left were my body and my box.

I carried it down screaming at my brother, "Jackson! Jackson! Help!"

He's fiddling on his phone and stops in front of me and walks off. 'Pleeeeeeeeaseee?" I plead.

"Okay fine." He sighs heavily while putting his iPhone in his pocket. He takes the box from me and carries it. The weight of the box brings him down completely. "Damn sis, what the hell do you have in here? Rocks?" He puts it down on the floor only to instruct two men to carry it. Even the strength of two men couldn't carry it. Seriously, what did I stuff in there? I can't remember.

My dad calls out to me and Jackson and the both of us gets in the car to depart to California. I will miss you my home.

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