Chapter 5

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I'm so tired. The singing practice I had for the talent show was really tough. Makes me want to go back when I signed up for this. I leave the music room in my school grabbing my duffel bag. Charlie is outside waiting for me.

"Hey Delilah." he greets me casually.

"Hey. What's up?" I reply him, sighing heavily.

"Practice was tough huh? Well you deserve it. I mean look at this." He says while jabbing my tummy. What did he just say? Calling a woman fat horrible.

I turn my head to glare at him, he gets the deal and starts running from me. Damn, he's really fast. All made by running in the fields every morning.

I manage to catch up to him, trying to pull him by his tee. He evades every move and retaliates. Now, he's chasing me. I run from him but I can't beat his speed. He hugs me from the back and I relax.

We're both panting heavily. I turn my back to look at him. Both our eyes are staring into each other. His greenish, bluish eyes is so dreamy. He sweeps my short brown hair behind my ear. I'm still staring at him. "This is not happening Del. I promised myself that I wouldn't do anything until you said so. You hated me for trying to pursue you...but-"

"-you still want to even if I said no." I continue his sentence. I release myself from his hug gently, combing my hair behind with my hands. "Time will tell. Who knows? can make me fall in love with you gradually." I continue.

"Yeah, time will tell." He grabs me and gives me a tight but warm hug. I'm surprised for a moment but I still wrap my arms around him anyway. Friends can hug each other. It's fine. This does not mean anything but a friendly hug.


It's the day of the talent show. This is it. I've been practicing this for the past month. I was so caught up with practice that I couldn't even get to check up on Soo Young.

The talent show starts and the hall is filled with students. I peek out through the curtains and I see Charlie at the front row. From the corner of my eye, I see Soo Young pacing around to calm her nervousness. "Hey Soo."

"Hey! I missed you! I'm so sorry that we couldn't talk."

"Oh it's fine."

"Did you know? the 1st place winner gets USD 1000! Isn't that awesome?"

1000 bucks?! This is...this is heaven.

"It is."

"Could you let me win it?"

This is ridiculous. Let her win it? Its not just me that is in this show. "But. its not just me Soo. There are another 10 more participants you have to beat, and that includes me."

"Oh. Okay. All the best then." she gives me a smile and runs off.Probably to touch up her makeup or something. The first contestant is up performing. She's doing tango, probably with her boyfriend. I wait and wait until it's Soo Young's turn. She's singing to one of Katy Perry's song. Once she's done, it'll be my turn. I'm fanning myself.

"That's it for Park Soo Young! Give her a round of applause!" The host says in a hip hop mood. "Now we'll welcome the last participant! Let's bring in Delilah Chase! Give her a round of (clap clap)!"

The hall roars with applauds. I step out into the light. I'm wearing a white sweetheart bust flowy dress that reaches the floor. I sit down on the tall bar chair and I introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Delilah Chase. I'll be singing to Colbie Calliat's Try. I hope you enjoy." The hall roars again with applause and the song starts playing.

"Get your makeup on, get your nails done, curl your hair, run the extra mile keep it slim so they like you... do you like you......." I sing with full confidence until the very end.

The judges and the audience make a standing ovation. Charlie is staring at me with a beautiful smile on his face. He gives me a thumbs up and I smile sweetly at him. I go backstage and Soo Young comes over to give me a hug. "That was amazing Del, I didn't know you were such a good singer!"

"Thanks Soo. You were amazing too! Sssh! The host is announcing the winner."

"After debating, the judges have come down to three winners. As you all know, the 1st prize is USD 1000. and the prize money decrease by 300 for the 2nd, and 3rd place by 500. Right here in my hand is the winners. For the 3rd place goes to......Farah! 2nd place goes to......Beatrice and drumroll.....1st place is......Delilah!"

I cup my hands around my mouth and I start jumping around in joy. Soo Young isn't happy and she's looking at me with pure jealously in her eyes. I feel sad for her because she has been wanting to win this.

"How could you? Out of all people why did you have to win this?" Soo Young protests.

This is too much, she's making a scene backstage and every single participant is looking at us. "Look, I have to accept the prize Soo. We'll talk when I come back."

I accept the prize from the headmaster and I go backstage quickly. Soo Young is still there. "Explain." she says tapping her feet on the ground.

"Why should I explain Soo? I won this fair and square. I did not do shit with the judges." I explain to her. Farah and Beatrice come up in my defense.

"That's right Soo Young. Delilah did not do anything of any sort to win this. She won this fair and square with her own talents." Beatrice says.

"I know you've been wanting to win this-" I continue but Soo Young cuts in. "Shut up. I don't want to talk about it anymore. We're done." she says and leaves immediately.

"Now let's call out the winners! Give them a round of applause!" the host says. Beatrice, Farah and I step onto stage, we bow to the audience and the host announces the event to a close. Some of the audience comes onstage to congratulate us. Charlie comes up to me, trying to give me a congratulatory hug, "Congratulations! You won 1000-"

I push him away, "Just...not now."

"What happened?" he grabs me by my shoulders.


"Was being unreasonable? I guessed it. I saw her getting off backstage in anger. Basically, she was stomping."

"I guess so. You really know how to make me feel better do you?" I laugh softly and look up to him, tears pooling in my eyes. Charlie runs his thumb through my eyes to wipe off the tears. "Don't cry. You won this fair and square. It's not your fault that your friendship ended that way. It is Soo that needs to wake up and realize it."


"Also, prom is coming up." he states.

"Oh right. It is coming up. Do you have a date?"

"No,I don't. I want to go with someone in particular."

"Let me guess...Is it one of the cheerleaders?"

"Nope.Will you go to prom with me Delilah Chase?"

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