Professor Port's class and Dealing with Cardin

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): Weiss, I want you to know that I come from a good place when I say this, but you sound really spoiled right now.

Weiss looks at me with a confused look.

Weiss: I do not. Why even bring that up.

(Y/N): Because, that is how everyone see you after that outburst. Students are saying your being a bully, and I know you're not like that. To everyone else though your just like the rest of your family. That isn't helping you or your family name.

Weiss looks away with realization and sadness as she started to cry a little. I hold and gently squeeze her hand. She looks at me with tear filled eyes and just hugs me and buries her face into my chest. She then asks.

Weiss: What should I do?

(Y/N): Well, just be the best you can be. The best teammate, the best friend.

Weiss looks at me with a heartfelt smile. She then gets up.

Weiss: I guess I should go apologize, huh.

I simply nod and smile back. She stops as she walks away, then turns around and kisses me on the cheek. Now it is my turn to blush redder than Ruby's cape.

Weiss: Thank you for everything.

I can't stop smiling and thinking about her after that. I just walk to (H/N)'s pen. As I get there (H/N) senses my shock and joy and simply snorts.

(Y/N): What, don't be jealous.

Weiss pov

I get back to the dorm and see everyone asleep. As I look at Ruby I notice she has textbooks all over her bed. I walk to her bed and wake her.

Ruby: Ahh, Weiss, I was studying and I'm sorry I fell asleep and...

Weiss: Sshh.*looks at coffee mug then back* How do you take your coffee?

Ruby: Uuhhh... Weiss.

Weiss: Just answer the question.

Ruby: Umm, cream and five sugars.

I nods and disappear and reappears with a fresh coffee from seemingly out of nowhere.

(A/N): No seriously where did she get it from?

Weiss: I believe you have the potential to be a good leader. Just know that I will be the best teammate you've ever had.....That's wrong by the way.

I go to leave the room and turn back to Ruby.

Weiss: You know, I always wanted bunk beds as a kid.

As I leave I think to myself that she really does have what it takes and (Y/N) helped me realize that.

Weiss:(Thank you (Y/N) for always being there for me.)

As I think about him my heart starts racing and I blush as now know why I love that idiot.

Timeskip next day

(Y/N) pov

As I sit with Team RWBY and JNPR eating lunch. We are laughing having a good time. We then hear a screech and laughing. I look over to see whats going on. I recognized one of them as Cardin Winchester. He quickly established himself as the school bully. He was with his team pulling on a rabbit faunus's ears which was clearly hurting her.

????: Please, stop.

Cardin: Told you they were real.

I then stand up and start to walk to Cardin's group. Everyone see's me walking to them they smile and smirk at eachother. Then Yang pipes up.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now