Chapter 43

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Virgil's P.O.V
Trigger warning: Drowning, death mention?

Everything just became cold in an instant. Fog had already engluphed us and no one could really see anything. I went over to one of the others to hold them. Being alone right now would be stupid and naïve.

I felt nothing as gravity pulled me downwards and I slipped over. Splinters were digging into my hand harshly.

"PATTON! ROMAN!" I cried out pathetically. I didn't want to fall in there.

"VIRGIL?!" They both called out. Frantic footsteps were going around everywhere now looking for me.

My grip was slowly slipping and the pain was almost too much too bare now. But I had to hold on.I needed help.

Tears were dripping into the water below, I don't want to die. I sobbed louder as the splinters dug into my skin, ripping it apart in a cold sweat. Tears blocked my sight and I couldn't see anything.

"ROMAN! PATTON!" I screamed loudly in pain. I was now holding on by just the wood in my hand now. I cleanched my teeth together trying to ignore it.

I heard a rip and now I was plummeting down.

My body splashed into the ocean as I slashed around, panicking. I couldn't feel any floor. Choking on my own tears and water, breathing got worse. I coughed and coughed.

I couldn't breathe anymore.

I slapped the freezing cold water, trying desperately to stay above the crashing sea beneath my feet.

Blood was a puddle around me rushing into my mouth making me heavier and heavier. Bloody water and salty tears tasted the same now as I struggled and choked and coughed it out.

Exhastion came quick and now I was just floating away.

End Of Chapter. 292 Words.

The Three KingdomsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz