Chapter 32

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Virgils P.O.V

Roman chased after that guard as we trailed after him quickly. But something about this seems off, I don't know what though. Maybe I'm overthinking again like always. Nothing is wrong. They've just found Deceit and is leading us to him.

"Um, Patt," I mumbled to my brother.

"Yeah Virge!" Patton repiled as he looked back at me, I was always slower than him.

"Something about this seems off," I muttered not even audiable.

"What was that?" He asked me.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," I consold him.

We were all lead to the meeting room where we recieved that piece of paper from the 'heavens'.

"Excuse me, where is he?" Roman inquired as the guard stopped in the middle of the room abruptly.

"Please sit down my princes," The guard insisted. What was happening?

We all sat down as he pressed a remote and a TV came down from across the table. It turned on and he clicked on an email.

"What is this?" I growled quietly to the guard.

"We recieved an email this morning about Deceit and Prince Logan," He informed us at last.

He unpaused the video from the email.

"Hello, I have Logan Sapientae,"

The video showed Logan trapped in chair with ropes around his arms and legs. I could hear Patton's horror and him covering his mouth. Roman's confusion was extremely visible but also his anger.

The videos camebra changed from Logan to a Lady with dark purple hair with tints of pastel purple. She had piercing bright green eyes and white freckles all over her face like constilations. She was beautiful. However her ears were dragon-like and black. and her matching claws could be seen as she recorded her message.

"You want him back?"

The camebra panned to her with a knife againest Logan's neck. He looked like he was scratched harshly and bruised. Logan looked in so much pain it was awful to look at. "Go to Motus by next week or he dies,"

"Please..." Logan begged as fearwas clearly dripping from his voice.

The footage cut off and we were all left in complete shock.

"Well we all know who took Logan and where he is," Patton's voice craked slightly as he spoke.

"Yeah..." Roman mumbled.

"We need to get him then," I told them, "Blubering won't help us at all, so let's go,"

"Yeah," Patton snifflely agreed with me but Roman only nodded. He seemed kinda guilty, I wonder why.

End Of Chapter. 417 Words.

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