Let Out On Good Behavior

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{My apologies for not posting for a few days

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{My apologies for not posting for a few days. Just wanted to spend some time w my fam for my birthday then my husband and I had drs appointments! - 1316 words}

I was just at my house, spending my time just watching tv for a little while; while I still could before going to work. My cell rang, mind you, I have 3. So after the first one wasn't ringing, I figured it was one of the other two that was in my purse.

I ran to get my purse, I just took one out and it was a call from what looked like a jail or something.

I was very confused, but I answered anyway. "Hello?" I said. "Hi, Miss Garcia, we wanted to inform you that Trevor Hernandez has been release from good behavior. Have a nice day."

My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. I'm in complete shock. They said it was supposed to be at least 3 years maximum, and it's only been 14 months since he got arrested. I realize I have to tell Spencer cause he may come after (y/n).

I start panicking and hyperventilating. I find Spencer's contact and call him.

It takes a minute, but he picks up. "Hello?" I heard him say in a sleepy tone. "Hi sleepy genius, I gotta tell you something" I said as I closed my eyes trying to breathe back to normal. I let out a deep sigh. I hear him groan then say, "Okay, what is it?" He said.

"Okay, so uh, how do I put this? They uh, they let out Trevor early based on good behavior" I said. I took a deep breath, "he had only been in jail for 14 months Spencer" I added.

"Oh my god" he said. He's now freaking out. I hear him trying not to hyperventilate over the phone.

"Didn't they change his sentence to 3 years though, looking back and seeing what he did with his other girlfriends..?" He asked. "Yes" I said. "But for some reason he got out cause of food behavior" I added.

I was very confused as to why they'd do that. They usually don't let them out unless having food behavior unless it was legit. Which from Trevor is hard to believe.

"Hold on, I'm walking out of the bedroom for a minute. I don't want (y/n) to hear this conversation." I heard Reid say over the phone.
I'm still on the phone with Garcia when I plop myself on the couch as I'm getting anxious, Trevor could be anywhere right now, maybe even on his way here for all we know.

I'm trying not to hyperventilate. I take a deep breath. "What can we do? Is there anything we can do at the moment?" I asked.

"No, I'm afraid not. I can go to my office early, but even then I don't think so. I wouldn't even think he would use the same phone as last time; so we would be trying to track him from scratch" she said.

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