The movie pt 2.

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I couldn't be happier than to be in this moment with Spence, just cuddling with him in our bed. It's complete silence, but it's not awkward, it's just... it's comfortable. We can just adore each other and look at each other.

Staring into each other's eyes, with so much love. I can tell he genuinely cares for me and wants to be with me.

We have our fingers intertwined as we're holding hands, facing each other, smiling, and adoring each other.

"So, do you have any cases any time soon?" I asked breaking the silence. "I don't think so, hopefully not." He said as he looked down playing with our hands, his fingers are gently rubbing against my palm. "Is everything okay Spence?" I asked being concerned. He took a huge sigh, "yes, it's just that, what if I do have a case and you have to work? Who will be there to protect you? Anybody can come here and come for you. Or go to your work and get you" he said worried.

"Will that police officer he available?" I asked. "Most of the time, no. I got lucky the first few times you asked me to call. I just don't know what to do but I sure as hell know I don't ever want to lose you." He said taking a deep breath, putting his arm around me.

I smiled, pulling myself closer into his chest. I didn't see it, but I knew he was smiling. As he had his arms wrapped around me, he squeezed his arms as they were on my back. So I felt that I got closer and it got tighter for a second.

"It's going to be okay, I'll be okay. If it makes you feel any better I'll have Garcia find someone for me to stay here with me while you're on cases and such." I said as I backed away from being so close to him, so I can look at him in the eyes. "You'd really do that?" He said shocked but smiling. I smiled and nodded.

He gave me a tight hug. And let out a huge sigh of relief, "thank you" he said smiling and kissing the top of my head. "Of course, I'll do anything I need to so you know I'm safe" I said looking at him while holding him, looking into his eyes then looking to his lips a few times, then I kissed him. "I promise, I'll do anything to keep myself safe while you're gone" I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled, "good, I don't want to have to worry about you AND serial killers" said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, "oh you'll need to worry about me mister, just not like that. You'll have to worry about me texting you pretty often making sure you're ass is safe." I said with my arms crossed. "I was already really worried the last time, Garcia reassured me though. But still, I was really worried about you and what could possibly happen to you" I said as tears started to fill my eyes.

He pulled me closer, and I just held him. I was just crying, bawling my eyes out into his chest. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay. I'll be okay too. I promise to be safe okay?" He said in a soft voice. I nodded. He kissed the top of my head.

He then lifted my head, by taking his index finger and thumb from under my chin. He gave me a little peck on the lips. We just stared into each other's eyes like we did before. We kissed again, but a little more passionately. We had a full blown make out session.

We didn't want to do anything more than that just in case he gets called in any minute.

Since he can be called in any minute though, he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I nodded my head. He smiled, "what kind of movie did you want to watch?" He asked. "Uh, Harry Potter Or Star Wars maybe?" I asked trying to make suggestions. "Hmm" he said as he was thinking. "Harry Potter it is then" he said. I smiled.

If there's a series we try to watch them all, so we watch the first Harry Potter movie tonight.

We're just watching it and cuddling. I have my head tilted toward his shoulder. He has his arm around my back and near my waist. We both look at each other, smile then give each other a kiss.

Near the end of the movie, Spence gets a call from Hotch.

"Hey Reid, you think you can come down here ASAP? We're leaving in about 30 minutes. Pack a bag to go"
"Yes I can, and okay I'll be there in about 15" I heard him say on the phone.
"Alright see you soon, bye Reid"
"Alright, by hotch"

He said as he hung up the phone. "What was it?" I said a little confused for a minute, then I remembered and realized it was for a case. "It's for a case isn't it?" I asked, starting to worry. He nodded, "I'm afraid so babe" he kissed the top of my head as he got up from the couch. And walked into our room to get dressed.

"So what do I do? Should I just lock the door tonight or do you wanna try to call someone to watch over me?" I asked loud enough for him to hear me. "Um" I heard loud enough to hear. "Yeah, I'll try if I can't get in touch with anyone, make sure the door, windows and such are locked." He said just loud enough for me to hear him.

"Ok" I said back. He got ready and packed a bag. It didn't take him too long considering he only has a short period of time to get ready. He walked out of the room I saw him in such a cute outfit, he looked so handsome.

As I saw him walk out, I also saw him on the phone

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As I saw him walk out, I also saw him on the phone. "Hey, is there anyone that can come down here tonight to watch my girlfriend, (y/n)?" He asked. I sighed. "Okay thanks" he said being disappointed, and hung up. "You're gonna have to stay here alone tonight, please be sure to be safe and contact Garcia if you need her" he said. I nodded, "I will I promise" I said.

"You got everything?" I added as I walked up to him, patting his vest, making sure there's nothing on it. He smiled. "Thanks babe" he said chuckling. I looked up at him, "you're welcome" I said smiling, he let out a light chuckle. "Okay, but seriously do you have everything Spence?" I asked again.

He nodded, almost being face to face, cupping my face with his hands and shaking my head back and fourth. "Yes baby, I have everything. Don't worry about it" he said playing around, we both laughed. "Okaaay, I just wanted to make sure" I said giggling.

He chuckled one last time before kissing my head and walking out, "bye babe, I'll be back soon, okay? I promise" he said. Then grabbed each side of my head and kissing my forehead. I smiled. "Okay, just please be careful" I said getting on my tiptoes and giving him a peck on the lips.

I smacked his butt, "okay hurry, you'll be late. Be safe. I'll miss you" I said letting out a soft chuckle.

He did the same, "okay, okay, I'll miss you too baby" he said smiling and walking out the door.

Shortly after he leaves, I get a text "make sure you lock everything since I just left. I'll text you every so often to make sure you're ok :)❤️"

I replied back, "okay, locking door now. Will lock windows and things after. And okay. :)❤️" after I texted him back, I slid my phone into my pocket, and walked toward the front door, I lock it. And after that lock all the windows like I said I would.

"I hope I'll be okay by myself tonight, it's been a little while since I've been alone" I thought to myself, I was a little anxious, but I was hopeful everything was going to be okay.

I get undressed from what I'm wearing into something of Spencer's, his shirts are like dresses on me. But I think even for me that it's cute. I smell the T-shirt, it has cologne on it. I'll just wear this and some shorts till he gets back. I'm off of work again for a few days, so I won't have too much to do.

So after I put on his T-shirt I go into the guest bed and pick out some shorts. After that I lay flat into the bed, then get back up, and actually get into bed. I can't help but keep smelling this T-shirt. It'll be a good thing while he's gone so I won't have to miss him as much.

Fell For A Stripper  |  𝑠. 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑑 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 [COMPLETED] | 18+Where stories live. Discover now