thank you

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I wanted to thank you guys for reading this story I'm actually really proud of this story I didn't think I would ever finish this book but I'm glad I did I wanted to have an emotional ending one that was kinda twisted and messed up I actually wanted to have three alternate endings but I would leave that for the imagination but some fun facts about this story is that every deck used in this story by the main characters are actually decks that i made myself so James's powerful deck I made myself there were cards that I had to add it for the duels to make them more fun but.... you get the picture

Originally this was gonna be anime esc. I wanted it to be that way but the faces of anime characters weren't the ones I wanted so I switched to human beings instead so it seemed definitely more real

I pondered the ending and how to end it. Originally james was suppose to use number 99 but I decided to go with the route that I chose there was actually one that I wanted to write were james and the guardians lost but k didn't like it so I scraped it

Is there gonna be a sequel. Yes there is  once this chapter is posted the first chapters of the second book will be released and yall ain't ready for this shit

Will there be a third book. Um no because I feel like it would be redundant and with the same thing so no there won't be

Is the same crew gonna be in the next book. Yes they are but not how u think they are

Is there gonna be a book with james and astral in it. To be honest I dont know depends on if I want to write it more then likely no only because I don't think it would be interesting

Is there gonna be more gay. Absofuckinglutly all of the homo I didn't want to make this smutty so I toned it down and made it lemon esc

I want to personally thank you guys for reading this book I'm truly proud of it and every read and every vote does matter to me I really enjoyed this and thank you for reading yall have good day and I'll see yall in the next book bye...

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