Chapter 31 cusillu the trickster

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James pov

its morning and andrew still hasent came out "asakashi how much longer fro my boyfriend to come out" she shrugged her shoulders what the fuck andrew you better be alive "well based on what i found out and some observations based on the group the only earthbound immortals that are left are Wiraqocha Rasca and Aslla piscu and since james, bri, pandora, ryan and now andrew will have there earthbound immortals that just leaves me and jack" said freddy hes not wrong i just hope andrew is doing okay 

andrews pov

alright this is starting to get annoying i opened another door and it was the earthbound immortal i began to walk up to  it then i felt a tap on my shoulder it was an old man with yellow tribal paint all over him "can i help you sir are you lost" he rubbed his long beard "hmmm lost i am not" okay yota whats good  "okay then why are you here" he pointed to the earthbound immortal "im cusillu and if you want card  do everything that i say" what the hell what is he the guardian or what "okay i will" he climbed on my back "then let us begin no" he taped his staff on the ground and the room changed "first task solve this riddle "

excuse me what okay lets see the first one isnt safe the second one has guns  and the third has hungry lions but wait a minute what if the lions died of starvation well its worth a shot "its the third room" i looked at the guy he nodded and he cha...

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excuse me what okay lets see the first one isnt safe the second one has guns  and the third has hungry lions but wait a minute what if the lions died of starvation well its worth a shot "its the third room" i looked at the guy he nodded and he changed the room again to all lava and a un sturdy bridge "you walk the fire path with water on your head and arms" as he said that he added the water it was so heavy i began walking slowly thats when i heard a snap the ropes began to break "what the fuck" i ran as fast as i could as the bridge was breaking i made it to the other side "hmmmm very good not a drop spilled to" the next room was a stage and i was right in front of the crowd on the stage "final task entertain crowd" excuse me um no i have terrible stage fright "i cant do this" i slowly was backing up but was stoped by a wall of men "you wont be able to leave then" he said his voice changing to more sinister "hmm sing for crowd you can i know cant fool cusillu" he said sing no thats a huge no thats the reason why i have my stage fright i can sing but i wont.

"well????" the crowd began to boo me i guess i dont have a choice let me ham it up "hey whats up everyone how is every doing to tonight" they roared "im glad to hear that im going to be singing good as hell by lizzo for my boyfriend james" 

i was done and the crowd was going wild i smiled this feels good cusillu brought me back to the card room and laughed "whats so funny" he laughed "you have been fooled but since you rocked that last song the card is yours" ive been what i didnt care now i grabed it and ran out to the castle i saw james and hugged him "im alive and back" i laughed "i thought i wouldnt see you for like a year" said james he was over exaggerating "but exactly how long was i in there" i asked "a day" said pandora what!!! i was in there for that long thats nuts "cant beleive i was in there for that long didnt feel like it  honestly" james hugged me again "the important thing is that all of you guys are safe thats all i was worried about" he said with a smile thats why i like james so much because hes so genuine if i lose him im gonna lose myself 

"well another thing that found out was that Aslla piscu is on Crete and Wiraqocha Rasca is in china  acording to the last guardians who had them" said freddy james walked over to the controls of the castle "well let me put it this way we all need more locator cards because so far only me and chronos has the most locator cards so lets grab some more in crete and then grab the earthbound immortals okay" we nodded "then back to number hunting so we can help astral get his memory back and lets not lose anyone or anything" we nodded again

this is a crazy adventure and im kinda of glad im on it 

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