chapter 12 it's much much more

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James pov

We didn't get any new numbers but we advanced in the duel tournament we went to the museum that the Atlantis person said we looked around saw all the cool hieroglyphics there was just one problem we didn't know how to read them "I feel like all the answers are here" said astral "do you know how to read them" said freddy to astral "that memory hasent returned yet unfortunately" damn I recognized the monsters on the one stone tablet it was slifer, ra and obelisk chronos pulled out the card "this stone tablet must be talking about the Egyptian gods then because I see obelisk" said chronos "wow never thought you would have a powerful card like that"said bri chronos smiled "it was said in a scroll that there was a curse on them but it's been with me so I cured it" a lady walked up to us "some story I'm asakashi the museum director is there something I can help you guys with" she winked so she must know why were here " do you know we're slifer and ra are" I asked "hmmm can't really say were any of them are besides obelisk since you have him but we also haven't discovered any new things on the tablets besides were location of slifer were it 'might' be in a castle in the sky the story goes that there was three brothers that were guardians one was the enforcer one was with time and the last one was keeping the peace then one day they vanished thats what the tablet is talking about if we find anything else we will call you kay" what the hell she for real "Okay we will come back then" we went back to the air ship and I say there wondering a lot of shit "is something the matter"

"It just seems that there is alot more to this then collecting numbers" astral nodded "it seems like tho i dont recall anything like this before it must be a threat if the future is changing" we all looked at astral "you mean we were only suppose to collect the numbers" asked freddy "thats what the mission is still that has not changed i sense that there is going to many more hardships in the future that will be challenging" i cant believe this i feel proud that im helping the world but what else do we have to collect from people theres is so many cards that just hurt people its ridiculous honestly 

"i dont even know were to start to find slifer or ra" i shrugged "maybe theres something in the sky like she said" said chronos I didn't deny it but it seemed a little far fetched to have a castle in the sky I mean really but we went anyways

3 hours later

"This is pointless" Pandora and I agreed "I saw no damn castle around us were could it be" said freddy "we searched for hours why hasent it appeared yet did we miss something" said Bri I looked at her "Yea the whole fact that we can't read heiroglphyics and that's what messing us up" we were about to land the air ship when I heard turbulence that assent the air ship "You guys hear that" I asked "hear what" said Jack "it sounds like  propellers" we all ran to the Windows and saw the huge cloud castle "Cynthia has a card that looks like that maybe we needed to bring her" maybe I have no clue but we found it then we started getting shot at "it must see us as a threat we have to land on that castle if its the thing I do" i said every one readied then self for impact I was turn the wheel so quick trying to talk to the bullets eventually we got up to the Castle Docks and we landed there I looked over at the castle not knowing where the hell to go

"Should we split up and look around somewhere else" I asked " I have no clue" said Chrono " I think we should stay together that way if something happens we will be together and we can help each other" said astral we carefully walked into the castle is beautiful on the inside but look like s*** on the outside I didn't quite understand but I felt like I was here before

Maybe it was like the Atlantis thing where I was a king at one point maybe not with Bri hahaha "I would assume that Slifer is in a well-guarded room astral do you know where that might be" I asked

"Tough to say I remember somewhat of what this Castle is but nothing new only that it's old" well thanks Astro that was no help we looked around were blue and Pandora went upstairs to look in the rooms me Jack and Freddy all stayed downstairs and looked in the huge Halls the castle is huge and no idea where to look

We met up again in the upstairs Library "did you guys find anything" asked Pandora as she looked through an old book " "unfortunately no we looked everywhere in the kitchen in the ballroom and we met up here because of a secret passageway there might be a secret here in the library and one of the books" said Freddy the search on this Castle could take years or even months I highly doubt it's going to take us that long but we couldn't find anything the library so we went to the basement which was also a huge maze We stopped around a couple of the rooms that were down there nothing was in there besides old skeletons no cards no numbers no nothing was down there we came to this very large room with a diamond in the middle of the room floating it was a green kind of looked Emerald but it was a diamond you looked around more astral told us not to touch anything just in case of something happens but I do remember this shape on the floor somewhere but everything was so dusty and covered up with old Vines and trees I couldn't tell where it was

We looked around a lot more "hey guys I remember something in this room before I think I read it in a book there is a shape on the floor that powers the whole castle and that's the reason why it floats" I said they all looked at me "well do you know where it is in this room then said" Chronos

I shook my head no but I feel that in this room is where Slifer is

Thanks for reading guys see you guys in the next chapter bye bye

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