Chapter 30 Raging gecko Ccarayhua

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pandoras pov

splitting up was not a good idea honestly but we need to get these i wonder how andrew and bri are doing maybe there out already and im the last one but i dont have that feeling that im alone in that sense i kept walking there was a door and i went through and i was in a field i kept walking not stopping for anything untl i heard girl crying and i ran nope not today not today then i saw a girl in front of me and i tripped over a rock and fell "can you help me" i looked up from falling on the ground "um what do you need help with" i got up and dusted myself off  she didnt answer "weres your parents are you lost" no response again what is wrong with this little girl "get back here" i heard another little boy voice and she booked it "excuse me miss did you see a girl come through here" i dont know why i felt like protecting her

"what is it to you" i said he got stone faced "you heard me" he put his duel disk on "or ill force you out of my way" i put mine on and we started then it hit me this is a memory of my past hes the bully i had "ill go first i play foolish burial and play call of the haunted to bring back ghostrick ghoul and now i summon ghostrick mummy i overlay them both and xyz summon number 48 shadow lich i set three cards down and end my turn" his turn lets see what what his got "first i summon double costen then i summon Aquaactress Guppy because of her effect then i play double summon and tribute all my monsters and due to double costens effect they count as two monsters fro a dark monster summon and now i summon earthbound immortal Ccarayhua

"thats quite the beast" i said he smiled "now i play Magical Citadel of Endymion and since i played a spell card my field spell gains a spell counter and earthbound immotral Ccarayhua cannot be destroyed since there is this field spell and on top of that this card can attack you directly" what shit okay i have a card for that "i play magic cylinder so that damage is shot right back at you" he played mystical space typhoon "so my attack is still gonna hit you go  earthbound immotral Ccarayhua attack" (1200) that is not good im almost out of life points 'use me' said a familair voice i looked down it was ancient fairy dragon 'i can stop him try your hardest to get me out' i nodded "i draw" perfect im getting her out "i summon Plaguespreader Zombie and play double summon and summon out zombie master then i play synchro boost to make plaguespreader zombie gain a level and i synchro summon ancient fairy dragon"

"and now i play her effect which i can destroy up to as many field spells on the field that i want" he was surprised "not the field spell" he screamed "yes the field spell and now i destroy your field spell and gain 1000 life points" (2200) this will give me a extra chance in this "since your your field spell is gone so is your monster and on top of that i play pot of greed and draw two cards i play united we stand and play monster reborn your earthbound immortal looks mighty fine for me to take over" and i summoned the earthbound immortal to my side "and now ancient fairy gains 1600 attack points making her 3700 and i attack with both of my monsters and i win" (0)

"thats soo unfair" i took earthbound immortal and looked over at the little girl who was me i saw james he punched the bully and walked back to me "you okay" he asked past me thats right james always protected me with anything that might be harmful but yet again he did that with everyone we werent even friends back then we didnt really become friends until high school but he was always in everyones lives some way shape or form hes a good friend and will literally do anything for us "pandora you should leave now" said past james i nodded and went back to the castle and i saw james "is bri and andrew back yet" i asked "well bri is pissed at us in her room we need to get her earthbound immortal its starting to change her" i looked at astral oh boy "how are you feeling pandora" asked james "oh um i feel fine" i responed he nodded "ill go and get that card and bring it back 

i walked to bris room and she sounded like she was crying i knocked and walked in "oh pandora your back"  shut the door and noticed she had her earthbound immortal in her hand "yea it was tough haha" she got up she dosent seem different at all " so did you get ccarayhua" i nodded "yea i got mine to james said its oozing like evil shit i think it is to but its like the gold ring from lord of the rings" well thats a red flag "i was suppose to grab it from you" she pulled it tighter to her "not you too pandora" i nodded "yo can tell your fighting with it and ill fight you to get if you dont hand it over " she looked at me "your right here once its cleansed ill feel better" she gave me the card and i brought to astral were he did his magic on it "bri is gonna be fine this one had a rougher past then most of them it hates to be left alone as attachment issues" astral handed me the card "well so does she" i said james agreed "i remeber she had to give stuff away and she threw a fit she grew out fo that not but before when she was younger watch out" i looked at james

"hey james can i ask you something well its not really asking but did you every realize that you were in our lives more then we were of each others i didnt think about it but me, bri, freddy , jack and andrew didnt really talk or even notice each other until recently but you brought us closer together because you were in our lives for so long" he thought for a second "wow your right i was the glue to your friendships huh" he said he smiled i love his smiles they melt everyone there just so innocent and genuine "well pandora get some rest and give bri back her card please" i started to walk away "and pandora" i stoped and turned around "you did good today" i smiled and walked out fo the control room droped off bris card and went to sleep today was such a good day

last part for this part and on to the tournament again

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