chapter 1

38 5 3

Hey hope you enjoy this version better because Im putting in videos of the number being summoned so enjoy guys hope you like it  sorry its the best with the videos to so enjoy

Pic of james

James's pov

I get up take a shower and grab my deck and walk out the door I see my friend Bri she's also a duelist "hey Bri wanna walk to school today" she nodded "James let me tell you my dream i had last night, so you were in but in like old clothes from ancient times you dueled this dude named vector at school in a champion ship held by our school" I gave her a confused look "funny you mention that because I had the same dream vector popped up and was clear as day in the dream odd" we walk in to school and go to our classes

Gym period

"Okay listen up ladies before you can walk to gotta learn how to crawl right in other words your ass gotta ran before you can duel" said Mr.Jackie our gym teacher if we had miss.jasper we would have started dueling already. After we exercised Mr Jackie look at us with his bird like eyes "I have a couple of announcements to make first our school this year is hosting the championships for the first time second during this period I will determine to student who would will compete​ for this period so who would like to go first James your ass is first and malik your up duel with pride you ninnies"

We heard the computer get everything ready as I get ready my self Jackie shuffled our deck and we had to cut them in half which we did we get into position

"your going down semaj"

"like hell I am malik"

"Ill go first i draw I summon goblinbergh in attack mode this guy allows me to summon one level four our lower monster from my hand and I summon gagaga magician and since a gagaga is on my field I can summon gagaga child to the field and I can change her level to gagaga magician level and that's level 4 next I build the overlay net work and xyz summon number 39 utopia"

 he looked astonished "you have a number!" I smiled " I have more then one number I set two cards face down and end my turn"he looked over at utopia but thought nothing of it "well first i summon mythic tree dragon,since mythic tree dragon is on the field i can summon mythic water dragon from my and now there both equal in level next i build the overlay network and xyz's summon hieratic sun dragon overlord of Heliopolis i attack with overlord and destroy your utopia" as his dragon was coming at me

"i detach one xyz's units from utopia to stop your attack thought you were destroying utopia" utopia is like my ace besides abyss splash "i draw i think ill summon mythic tree dragon and summon mythic water dragon and build the overlay network and summon number 46 dragulon

i detach two xyzs units to summon 2 dragons from my hand and i summon blue eyes white dragon and galaxy eyes photon dragon i end my turn with one face down"

i had him exactly were i wanted him because he needs dragons to use hieratic sun dragon overlord of Heliopolis's effect next turn ill summon neo galaxy eyes photon dragon and steal his overlay units and destroy his life points. "i draw i use ancient rules to bring out hieratic seal of the sun dragon overlord next detach one xyz unit to destroy your galaxy eyes i tribute hieratic seal of the sun dragon overlord to resolve this effect" shit now i really need call of the haunted or monster reborn "I end my turn"

"Alright my turn I draw 'not exactly what I wanted but' I use premature burial I pay 800 life points to bring back one monster that is galaxy eyes photon dragon then I build the overlay network and xyz's summon
neo galaxy eyes photon dragon

I detach one xyz unit to take every single xyz from your monster and for everyone I took galaxy eyes gets 500 attack point boosts I use rank up magic bariens force to rank up my utopia to an chaos, go chaos xyz evolution come forth

utopia ray v I detach 2 xyz's unit from utopia and I destroy your your monster and win the duel"

Every one was astound that I won "I got a deck filed with cards to stop any card"

During lunch

"I can't believe me and you won to represent our gym period" said bri shes my right hand man in everything "I can see how you to are great duelist" that would be light bulb aka astral he showed up in mine and bris duel "thanks lightbulb didn't ask you" I said "are you you still mad that I told how you should have duel" I gritted me teeth " listen astral I still won it didn't i" astral smiled "if you would of played dragged down into the grave you would have drawn the card you wanted and then bri would have taken over and won the duel so" he shrugged his shoulders

After school at James home after astral explained the reason his here

"Okay in short astral we were the seven gurdians of the mythrian numbers and we looked over the barian rulers so they didn't do anything and now we gotta find the numbers before they do" I looked over at astral "well for mythrain numbers I got number 44,46 and 73 for barian number I have number 103 and 107 so that just leaves number 64, 65, 94, 101,102,104,105,106 so lightbulb what happens if the barians get there number and are they among us" I said and asked

"What will happen is that they will regain all there powers and try to revive there deity don thousand and they will try to rule earth and merge barian world with earth and there in your school your friend mayrin, James, is a barian and you have her number and number 107 belongs to your friend malik" I looked over at astral "the galaxy's eyes wanted to fight each other its the only reason I didn't use number 107 but I think bri should be the new owner of this number along with all of you getting numbers as well"

Normal pov

As James gave the number he had to his friends each of them got a specific number

Bri got number 107 galaxy eyes tachyon dragon and number 87 queen of the night

Jack got number 6 chronomaly atlandis and number 25 force focus

Pandora got number 48 shadow lich and number 44

Andrew got number 19 freezadon

Freddy got number 12 crimson shadow armor ninja

Ryan got number 20 gigabrilant and number 66 master key bettle

A/n: Thank you guys for reading this boring chapter I promise it will get better the funs just beginning you'll meet the other characters in the next chapter 

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