chapter 18 relief and anforcement

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previously on duelist central a weird man appeared out of no were

"Who are you explain yourself" the man in mask smiled

"You'll come in contact with forces your that your "cleansing" powers cant clean you'll find that there "what the hell you mean by that" he wiped 2 cards at me "this monster will explain what i mean i cant wait to see you crack under pressure" he looked me up and down" its already starting the more and more you collect those numbers the more and more youll fall into madness like your father did then when you do ill be right there and say i told you so" he disappeared i was furious bri tried to calm me down i looked at the card when we went to the the castle "relinquished and the card to summon it astral what did that man mean" he looked at the card "it seems to be that our mystery man knows about our mission and he also knows your future" i jumped back

"so james is doomed" astral looked away for a moment "there will be period in your life were james will be unstopable and he will be different all the leaders went through and james so will you" i looked at him " what do you mean ill change" i asked "well its different for every leader the last one got killed because of the duties but ill will give you this james your time isnt for awhile i know it because your strong" i smiled nervously "why this gotta happen to me haven't i been through alot" astral smiled "more then enough but your helping more then you know it dosent that mean anything" it did it meant alot that i was helping millions of people from all the evil in world but all of the leaders die "thanks astral" i went to my room bri tried to stoped me i looked at relinquished "come on tell me something your not like my other cards that talk to me your quiet did something happen to you or did you see something"

nothing figured i went to sleep (in dream)

were am i looked down i saw a 90's white boy trying to be black dueling "hahaha you think that lizard can stop me" it was a dragon looked like blue eyes and there was another guy had markings all over him "blue eyes chaos max dragon destroy elemental hero shinning and you lost this alan you thought you could beat me ME!!! you did this to me and now the curse is passed down to you and your blood line" um curse i went lower alan smiled "hahaha your funny i still have fight in me and i play this that will save my friends and the world i bring back relinquished" i have that card "NOOOO dont do this alan youll kill both of you" he smiled and put a thumbs they held back the lady and the attack landed on both of them

is this whats gonna happen to me alan limped over to the girl she looked like bri he started to crack the guy started laughing "the curse is happening you may have been around for awhile but" he slowly got up "i will continue to ruin everything you worked for you number guardians are through i will never stop and there is a kid that is gonna follow in my foot steps and that kid is gonna be your james" the bri look alike grab her stomach "your son will become me hahaha then when he touches his dimension dragon thats when he will become me i am that dragon" he disappeared "what are we gonna do alan, james cant know about what his future is" i saw astral float down "Georgina i will watch over him you guys have been around for a 100 years and been nothing but helpful to me and the world i will take care of him"

"what are you gonna do to him" asked alan "give him up for adoption and then tell him when the time comes for him to know ill lock this moment in relinquished he wont know until he gets this card if he gets chaos max dragon before they do the curse will be half lifted then ill work out the rest of the curse" she looked at each other "i guess we dont have a choice do we alan we have to give him up" astral nodded the guardians started walking "james reconda your life will be hard but youll see it to be a blessing youll find a nice boyfriend and adopt kids and it will all be worth it but just stick in there okay" he dissipated

i woke up (out of dream)

im pissed so astral was the one that caused this well not really he kept his word to my real parents but i have to tell them about chaos max dragon i need him i looked in the mirrior and saw my one eye glow the whites were black and now its an orange oh shit my life is fucked and now i found out im adopted i guess im not that salty i just wish the one living person named astral would have told me i loved my heartearth mother and im gonna keep my last name im heart earth and im gonna wreck anyone who is a threat i stoped my self why would i say it like that i looked in the mirror again and the eye thing didnt go away

Yugioh fanfic: duelist central (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now