Chapter 42

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I'm sorry to do this but I'm speeding things up because it gonna be redundant plus I dont want to have it get boring so back to the story


it's the final four jared, James, me and Andrew the next duel is me and Jared my heart is racing I'm scared Jared is a powerful duelist definently will whoop my ass easily jamed on the other hand would crush him but not today

"Duelist get ready" said the ref "Oh I just love this" he said "someone is scared" i flinched "mind if go first" he drew "set four cards face down and end my turn" what the hell is he planning "you won't defeat me I draw I set a monster face down and I set to cards and end my turn" he laughed " how you gonna beat me if you have nothing" I have nothing ???? Hes the one with out anything he drew " I play pot of greed next I play black magic ritual and ritual summon magician of black chaos I attack" i don't think so "I use the effect of battle fader and I negate the attack and it's my turn and I draw" gaint trunade mhmm I could use it to get rid of his field but that doesn't get rid of the monster problem "alright I flip summon kamui  hope of gusto and with his effect I special summon one gusto tuner form my deck and I use gusto squirro in defense mode then I tribute battle fader and summon mystical beast serket then I synchro summon light end dragon then I attack with him against your magician" he laugh " someone failed math"

"That's were your wrong I can weaken my dragon to have your monster lose 1500 attack points" go my dr ad gonna attack " I play magic cylinder now u take that damage" I smirked "nope u are I play mystical space typhoon" he played ultimate providence "what is that card"

"This allows me to negate your mythical space typhoon effect and you taking 2100 points of damage" shiiiitttttt (1900) why is this happening keep cool "I summon queens knight and I attack magician of black chaos attacks your dragon (1200) then I attack with queens knight and destroy your monster" he likes seeing me squirm I won't let hin win I won't "I draw play my face down messenger of peace now your monsters can't attack me and I play genex ally birdman in defense mode and end my turn with a face down"

"Draw and I summon king's knight and I can summon Jack's knight next I play my polymerization and fuse my knights and summon arcana knight joker and I end my turn" okay I have to keep messenger of peace out as long as I need to obelisk the tormentor this is the exact card I need to win this duel "I end my turn" he drew this so suspenseful " I end my turn" what how does he not have anything cosmic compass perfect "I summon cosmic compass and I can summon a compass token based on how many monsters you have and not I play double sumoon and I summon obelisk the tormentor then I play giant trunade and get rid of your cards" this might work " I attack magician of chaos (2800)

"Go kameron" I can hear my friends cheering there right I'm gonna win "I end my turn with a face down your move"

"Someone should not get cocky" he said I was confused " what" he smiled "because I play soul charge I pay 2000 life points (800) and summon magician of chaos and Jack's knight then i play Reinforcements and have my arcana knight gain 500 attack point and destroy your obelisk" (2500) oh no "Jack knight attack get rid of his bird man" bird man gone obelisk is gone I have nothing else "yes  Revel in this that your team snd that there is nothing you can do to stop me go my final attack and go my magician of black chaos finish off this pathetic group" (0) no no no no this can't be happening no how did I let this happen "you guys are the worst "heros" ever i caaaaannnnt believe I'm gonna beat you all I took out the majority of your team" hes not wrong my team is almost gone because of this tournament and him "I love see you struggle james" he walked away got damn he makes my blood boil " I'll get you if the last thing I do" my team all huddled " we will get him dont worry james I'm sorry I thought I had him" said kameron "your fine dont worry you did really good" he was upset bad got damn not you to

When I tell you I'm scared shitless about what is gonna happen with my team I am this has to end

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