Chapter Two

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Kim Seokjin's Point Of View

"Hey Jin can you pick me up from school?" Jeongguk spoke from the phone. "Swan wants me to help Joon with some programming things dealing with the new earpieces."

"Yeah I'll pick you up in a second." I folded the towel and laid it on the counter top. "Namjoon! There are cookies in the oven! Get them out when the timer beeps!" I have no clue where he hides all the time, but he always seems to hear everything.

"Okay! Now leave!" He shouted back from upstairs, slight annoyance in his voice. I sighed and grabbed my keys, slipping on my boots as well.

"Behave Dumbass!" I called back, shutting the door behind me. Yes I'm part of the biggest mafia in the world. Yes I drive carpool for our youngest recruit. The kid's 16 and failed his driving test twice already, someone's gotta help him out.

How we all got wrapped into this shit? I was Swan's best friend and saw her shoot a guy when I was five. Her father forced me to join his soon to be Annihilator Squad.

Jeongguk was looking for a job to help pay for his mother's medical bills. We helped him out, his father been getting eggs for 12 years now. He's our kid, and we're his family.

Namjoon was working with the Boars and we met up with him during a mission about five years ago. He was terrified and begging us to help him escape from the hell they had put him through. It didn't take us long to figure out he was basically a living computer, spitting out codes and equations in seconds. He lives with Swan, his family murdered by the Boars in order to get to Namjoon.

"Thanks Jin." Jeonguk plopped down in the passengers seat, smelling like B.O.

I scrunched up my nose and pulled out of the school's parking lot. "Did you have P.E?"

"Yep." Jeongguk smiled proudly, looking down at his armpit sweat. "A bit noticeable?"

"I just don't understand how you sweat like you've never worked out before in one period of high school P.E., but can take down 10 men with a knife without breaking a sweat." I sighed and turned the car, my music very faint in my mind as I conversed with the youngest.

"Dude." Jeongguk took a swig from his water bottle. "Dodgeball is intense."

I rolled my eyes and opened the garage door to Swan's huge mansion. "You're showering before you do anything with Namjoon."

"Anything?" Jeongguk wiggled his eyebrows at me, making a jerking off motion to me. I glared at him, tired of this.

"Stop being a horny teenage boy and take a shower. You can have fun in there for all I care, just not with the others." I pointed to the door where Jeongguk walked to, but made sure to blow me a kiss before he went inside. I flared my nose and followed him, double checking that the cookies were out of the oven. Well, only half remained. Taehyung and Namjoon immediately dashed from the kitchen once I walked in, watching them dash upstairs with hand fulls of cookies. "I better not find any chocolate any where!" I called after them.

"Cookies?" Ariel appeared out of no where, causing me to jump, my keys tumbling to the floor, my hand immediately jumping to my chest.

"You dumbass." I hit her shoulder lightly, smiling now as she took a bite from her cookie she snatched while I had my mini panic attack. She didn't respond, but I saw a slight smile on her face. That was enough for me.

Yoongi slammed the door behind him as he stormed into the room, his gun slung over his shoulder, blood splattered all across him. But I ignored him. It really wasn't something new to see one of us walk in with blood on our clothes.

"My mission went good thanks for asking." Yoongi tossed the gun onto the counter-top beside us.

"No." Ariel scooped up the gun and slammed it into his chest. "Put your toys away."

"Toys?" Jungkook ran into the room, his eyes wide. "I can explain-"

"Get out." Swan didn't even flinch as Yoongi shoved her back, his eyes on fire.

"Yoongi-" I warned, my eyes locked on Ariel, waiting for her retaliation. She showed no emotion as she completely unloaded the gun, the bullets rolling across the counter top. Yoongi swung at Ariel, but his fist didn't come close to its intended target.


"No you don't understand!" Yoongi shouted at Ariel, tears building up into his eyes.

What did he have to do today?

"You don't understand anything! Do you know why? Huh? It's because you have no emotions! None at all! You're an empty shell well everyone else tries to live a life outside of this hell! You were born into this. I was forced. And it all your fault." Tears fell from his face, shoving Ariel one last time before going downstairs, every door possible was slammed on the way.


"I need to shoot something." She reloaded the gun and went outside, gunshots following immediately. I sighed and looked at her abandoned cookie.

"Damn." Jungkook crossed his arms. "Think they're both on their periods?" I threw the cookie at him.

"Shut the fuck up."

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