3:the ladder

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Hailey's POV:

I was woken up by my grandma yelling form downstairs that breakfast is ready. I got up, got dressed and walked downstairs. I sat on the table and started eating.

"What wrong darling?" Asked my grandma.

"Nothing grandma." I answered.

"Don't try that with me. I know when something is wrong." She insisted.

"Im just tired." I answered as i continued eating.

"Hailey. Look at my face." She said sternly.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"Look at my face."

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Did i come to London all the way from Madrid so you can lie to me?" She stared at me.

"Is that rhetorical..." I suggested.

"Is it what? What is rhetorical?" She looked confused.

"Nevermind. I'm gonna go to Martina's house and then I have a job interview." I said as i stood up.

"But you didn't finish your breakfast." She said.

"Im not that hungry. See you later. Love you." I announced as i put my jacket on and walked out.

When i got to Martina's house her mother, Katarina, was serving breakfast aswell. Her mother didn't speak much english so she sometimes spoke to me in Serbian and Martina translated it to me.

"Ahh Hailey! Dodji sedi!" She yelled excitedly.

"She says to come and sit." Announced Martina.

"No thank you im not hungry."

"Nonesense you have to eat." Said Katarina with a very thick accent.

"Mama idem gore sa Hailey.(Mum I'm going upstairs with Hailey)" Said Martina as she stood up.

"U redu.(Okay)" smiled Katarina.

As we walked upstairs Martina nudged me.

"Are you going to accept the offer?" She whispered.

"Well yes. I have to get the money be next week. How else am i going to do it?" I shrugged.

"Oh my god. So you're gonna be pregnant!" She squealed as we entered her room.

"Yes but its not gonna be my baby so it doesn't matter." I explained.

"Yeah i know but still. Oh no. What are you gonna tell your grandma?" She asked.

"Im not." I answered simply.

"Oh so you think she won't notice the huge bump on your stomach." She said.

"Well I don't know. For now all i know is that i have to get the money by next week. This is my only option." I sighed.

"Im sure everything will work out fine." Martina reassured me.

                *******1 hour later*******

I was on a train, on my way to the interview. When I got to the house- let me correct myself the HUGE MANSION- i stood in front of the door. My heart was beating so fast it felt like i was about to have a heart attack. I rang the door bell and took a deep breath in. Suddenly the door swung open.

"Hailey! Darling! I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Cara said as she gestured for me to come in.

"Aunt Cara! Its been too long!" I smiled and hugged her.

"Oh my goodness. You've changed so much." She looked at me up and down smiling.

"Cara what is going on?" Asked an unknown voice behind me.

I turned around and saw a stunning woman. She had straight,dark brown, long hair and hazel eyes. She was rather tall and slim, she looked like a model. Her tight fitted dress accentuated every curve on her body and her heels made her seem even taller. 

"Mrs Carter this is the girl I was talking about, for the surrogacy." Cara explained.

The woman looked at me up and down and frowned.

"Ok, Cara bring her to the office so she can wait until Christian gets here." She scoffed.

This woman seemed very snobby and full of herself.

"Come darling." Cara took my hand.

She guided me up a stairway and into a small dark room full with built in bookshelves. There was 2 black leather chairs, a desk which had a laptop on it and behind the desk was a spinning chair.

"Wait in here until Mr Carter and Mrs Carter come." She nodded and exited the room

I was all alone. I looked around the room and there was a three step ladder. This was probably to reach the top shelf of the bookcase at it was quite high up. I figured that Mr Carter was going to take a long time so i decided to snoop around. I looked at what books he had, there were books in latin. Does this man speak latin? I kept looking and i caught sight of the ladder again. I really wanted to see what books were on the top shelf. Without hesitation i climbed up on the ladder however i still couldn't reach the top shelf. Automatically i went on my tiptoes to try to reach the shelf.

"What are you doing?" A voice from behind startled me.

I jumped up in surprise. The ladder fell over and i fell with it. I closed my eyes and frowned expecting to hit the hard wooden floor, but this wasn't the case. Instead i fell into strong, masculine hands.

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