-chapter 7-

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Hey guys and gals! I decided to delete my last part because I decided to take the story a different route and involve more characters! So this chapter will be completely different! Also, I feel like this suite perfectly showcases how this chapter is, melancholy, but full of love.

It's been 4 months since Mikasa has found out she was pregnant and she couldn't be happier. Eren was frightened by the thought of Mikasa giving birth and it inflicting so much pain on her, but he couldn't wait to meet his son and or daughter.

"Eren, can you answer the door?" Mikasa groaned, beginning to feel back pain from the baby.

"Sure sweetheart," Eren rose from their bed and delicately opened the door, afraid that if Mikasa went back to sleep he'd wake her up. Eren was surprised to see who was on the other side of the door.

"Tch. It's you punk," Levi snickered and pushed past Eren. "Where is my sister, I heard she is pregnant." Eren put his index finger to his lips.

"Levi, she's probably asleep," Eren whispered as Levi rolled his eyes. "Can I get you some tea?"

"Please." Levi sat at the kitchen table and put his feet up. Eren was about to scream. "How has my sister been?" Levi questioned, finally getting his tea and sipping it.

"She's been in a lot of pain because of the baby and she can't wait to have it," Eren said honestly. Levi nodded.

"When did you get in the picture, I'm guessing your the father. She's always had a fondness towards you," Levi stated and put his tea down as he finished it.

"5 months ago, Mikasa is 4 months pregnant though," Eren looked down and blushed.

"So you decided to fu-"

"Eren, who was at the do-" Mikasa looked at Levi then down at her hands. They didn't have the best brother and sister bond, but if one of them was in trouble, they were there for each other. "Hello Levi," Mikasa sat down next to Eren at the kitchen table and held her stomach as her nerves were beginning to grow.

"Hi Mikasa, I heard the news," Levi stated.

"I'll leave you two to catch up," Eren got up from his seat and went to the bedroom. Mikasa sighed.

"How has he been treating you?" Levi questioned, narrowing his eyes. Mikasa rolled her eyes.

"Calm down. He's been treating me just fine!" Mikasa reassured. "How are you and four eyes?"

"Same old, same old, we tried for a baby for a good year after the war, but nothing seemed to work, so we're adopting," Levi smiled a little as did Mikasa.

"I'm happy for you two, honestly. I know we don't have the best relationship but I've missed you," Mikasa got up from her seat to hug her brother who smiled into the embrace.

"Tch. Don't get all sappy with me," they both chuckled as they sat down again. "I missed you too." Mikasa lay her head on her brothers shoulder as his smiled never faded.

"Levi, where are you and Hange living?" Mikasa asked.

"We live in the center of town actually, so about twenty minutes from you," Levi stated. "Mikasa, this may be a weird question, but when you have your baby, can I watch it?"

"Of course." Mikasa and Levi talked about memories of their past, war, and their future until eleven o'clock.

"Levi, do you want to crash here," Mikasa asked. He shrugged.

"Sure, but can I use your phone to call four eyes?" Mikasa nodded and showed him their home phone. He thanked her as Mikasa lay blankets and pillows on the couch for him. "Thanks for letting me stay, I didn't realize how much I missed you," they both smiled as Mikasa kissed Levi's cheek.

"Goodnight Levi, I'll see you tomorrow," Mikasa said as she walked into her and Eren's room.

"How was seeing your brother again?" Eren asked, taking off his shirt, revealing his abs. Mikasa blushed at the sight of Eren.

"It was nice seeing him again," Mikasa smiled at Eren. He patted his lap.

"I haven't gotten to talk to you all day," Eren said as Mikasa sat down on Eren's lap. She blushed immensely.

"I know," Mikasa replied as Eren rubbed Mikasa's swollen stomach.

"Can you believe we made this?" Eren asked in awe.

"Not really, I'm still amazed." Mikasa looked back at Eren as they smiled. They leaned closer together as they shared a passionate kiss.

"Do you think the baby will like me?"

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