-chapter 21-

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Mikasa' POV
A rustle of clamor startled me awake, I instinctively reached for the swords I no longer had on the side on my bed that I had when the war was still raging. I gasped when I realized that the noise wasn't an enemy, wasn't someone trying to take my life in my sleep, it was shopping bags instead. I haven't heard that noise in so long, it reminded me so much of my mother, her smiling face when she'd come home from the farmers market with vegetable seeds for us to plant together.

I felt embarrassed of my trauma and tried my hardest to mask it with power instead, but Eren was the only one who could see past that. Maybe it was because we grew up together, but I'd like to think he got to know me by his own choice and not forced into it.

"Levi, why are you actually here?" Eren whispered. My head shook in confusion, what the hell was Levi doing here? Especially after dark? That wasn't like him. I crawled onto the floor and put my ear against the chilly carpeted floor so I could hear their conversation more.

"Why don't we take a seat?" I could hear Levi's voice shake, something that I knew made Eren's heart sever. It would just make it worse if I lost control and went downstairs now.

"Levi, what's going on? You're really freaking me out," Eren sounded like he was nine again, when Uncle Grisha would tell us stories about his experiences in the medical field. It made Eren flinch especially when he talked about needles.

"Eren, this isn't over. This conflict, this war even." Confusion set in before panic did.

"What do you mean?" Eren asked, seeming flustered anxious.

"The Marleyan's, they don't believe that the curse is truly lifted. They're kidnapping people from what was Paradise to to subject them to tests. They are trying to find a way to bring the curse back if it is truly lifted." At this moment, I knew my intrusive thoughts were right. That this life is too good to be true. All I could think about is what will happen to our kids? What will happen with Eren? Will we go into combat?

"You can't be serious, they can't believe that!" I heard Eren yell which startled me, causing me to jerk away from the floor.

"They are and they do," Levi reassured the worst news. He sounded just as anxious and disappointed as we were in our heads. "I don't know a lot yet about your situations here, with Mikasa and your children but we will protect you all as much as we can. We will avoid you and Mikasa being in combat as much as possible but I can't promise you that you won't be needed eventually," I could feel tears well inside my eyes. I covered my mouth so Eren nor the kids would hear me, how do I act surprised tomorrow morning like I heard none of this?

"How do I tell Mikasa?" Eren mentioned my name which made my heart pull more. I cradled myself into a fetal position on the floor, my right ear still against the floor and quietly sobbed listening to them talk about their plan on how not to tell me or the kids unless absolutely necessary.


I woke up to a cool mattress under me and the smell of eggs coming from downstairs. I looked over to my left, seeing Eren's side of the bed empty. I frowned and stretched out of bed dolefully got out of bed. How am I going to stay strong for my kids?

"MOMMY!" Akane embraced my legs as I made my way down the final step. I knew now at that moment how I would stay strong, and it was their faces. Their smiles. "I drew you this!" I snatched the drawing from her tiny hands jokingly and smiled in awe down at it to her.

"It's gorgeous my love," looking at the family portrait. I gave her a right squeeze and thanked her. She ran back to Eren while he stood shirtless, cooking eggs as the burner.

"Good morning Baby," he smiled and platted the eggs. I put on a fake smile like him.

"Good morning Love," I cooed. I cringed that I couldn't blurt out what was happening, how I was faking my happiness and my calmness and that I was actually about to have a panic attack.

"Let's all sit, yeah? Daddy has some big news!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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