37 ~ moments

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Gabriel talked to Lucas again but this time, Maya was with them. They had told Lucas they'll never speak to him again if he went on to riding Tombstone the Bull. It seemed like Lucas didn't really care if Maya and Gabriel never spoke to him again. He still road Tombstone the Bull. 

Maya and Gabriel watched him ride Tombstone quite far away. They were a hundred yards away from the ring. 

"I can't believe he did this," Gabriel said.

"Yeah," Maya said. "How come you care about Lucas this much?"

"I don't know," Gabriel said. "I guess I didn't realize I cared about Lucas this much until I realized that he might get really hurt. And Riley and Lucas are really good friends."

Moments of silence passed between them.

"I screwed up," Maya said. "I shouldn't have agreed to sign Lucas up for this. This is one of the biggest mistakes I've made so far in my life."

"Yeah, you screwed up. You and Riley," Gabriel said. "Why, Maya? Why did you and Riley have to do this?"

"I don't know," Maya said. She looked at Gabriel. "I guess we thought it was a good idea to do this. I thought we were helping him after what Zay told us."

Gabriel looked at Maya. 

"Your heart was in the right place, but you shouldn't have done it," Gabriel said.

Gabriel sat up properly. 

He began noticing little things about Maya. He has never seen Maya this way before. He has always liked Riley. His attention was always on Riley, never Maya. Now that he's with Maya alone, it's different. He felt weird about it. 

"Maya..." Gabriel said softly. 

Before he could say anything, Riley walked up to them. Gabriel and Maya looked away from each other and up at Riley.

"We saw he's alright," Maya said.

"He was wonderful," Riley said. "How are you two?"

"We couldn't watch," Maya said. "We don't know why we just..."

"We just couldn't," Gabriel said.

"I know why," Riley said. 

"You do?" Gabriel asked.

Riley nodded.

"Well, I know why Maya couldn't watch, not you, Gabe," Riley said.

"I love Lucas like a brother," Riley said. "And I know you that you thought that for a while."

"You know?" Maya asked.

"Gabe, can you please give me and Maya a moment alone?" Riley asked.

"Y - yeah, sure," Gabriel said. He stood up and walked away.

He looked back at Maya.


Everyone reunited inside Joe's house.

"I really do wish I grew up with you guys, Lucas," Farkle said.

"You just did, Farkle," Lucas said.

"Yeah, from now on, it's always will be three of us and Caleb and Gabe," Zay said.

 "I'm not sure about that," Gabriel said.

Riley and Maya entered the house. Riley walked up to Lucas and Gabriel walked over to Maya.

"What did you and Riley talk about?" Gabriel said, lowering his voice.

"She thinks I like Lucas," Maya said, lowering her voice as well.

"Do you?" Gabriel asked.

"No! Of course not, Midget!" Maya protested.

"I'm slightly taller than you!" Gabriel said.

"You were a midget when we met!" Maya said.

"You know what, that doesn't matter," Gabriel said. "So, you don't like Lucas?"

"No! Not that way!"

"Then why does she think you like him?"

"I don't know," Maya said.

"Hey, Lucas, can I talk to you?" Riley asked Lucas.

"Actually, I have something to say to you, Riley," Lucas said. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would have gotten on the bull. And if it wasn't for you, I don't know I would have survived in New York. You're really important to me."

"You are really important to me too, Lucas," Riley said. "We've always been talking to each other. You're one of my best friends. I know how you feel for me, but I don't return your feelings. I have feelings for someone else," she glanced at Gabriel. "I don't want you to lead you own. And I want to know you're always there to talk to. You're my brother. And I'm your sister."

"That's what you think we are?"

"That's what I think we are," Riley confirmed. "I love you, Lucas. And now I know how," Riley turned to Maya. "How do you feel about him now, Maya?"

Maya didn't answer. She stood there, conflicted.

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