02 ~ announcement

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Gabriel spent most of his days, locked up in his room, doing online school

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Gabriel spent most of his days, locked up in his room, doing online school. Since he was expelled from school, he's been doing an online school. He normally finished everything within three or four hours, depending on how much works each course gave him. It surprised him how quick he managed to complete his work.

Grant has been coming home from work earlier to check on Gabriel and make sure that he's completing his homework. That's the only times that the two would speak. Gabriel refused to interact with anyone of his friends and family since his expulsion. He knew if he talked to anyone, with all the built up anger he's keeping to himself, he'd lash out at them and get into more trouble.

"So, how was your day?" Grant asked his three kids as they ate from a Chinese restaurant that night.

Gabriel looked up from his face, glaring at his father. He didn't bother saying anything at all. HIs older sister, Emma spoke first.

"We're having a play next week," she said. "I was hoping you all come."

"Of course, we'll come," Grant said. "When is it? Friday?"

Emma nodded. "I'm the lead, as well."

"You are?" Grant asked in surprise. "That's great, honey."

Emma smiled, happily.

"What about you, Justin?" Grant turned to his eldest son and child. "How's baseball?"

"Oh, it's great," Justin said, happily. "Couch says that I've been improving and everything. We have a game the week after Emma's play."

"Awesome," Grant said, "we'll come and support you."

Justin nodded and returned to eating.

"What about you, Gabriel?" Grant asked, looking at his son. "How was your day?"

Gabriel looked up at his father and just shrugged. He didn't want to answer due to him possibly lashing out.

"Okay," Grant said as he likes away from his youngest son.

"How's online school?" Emma asked, softly.

"It's much easier and quicker than normal school," he responded.

"How are you taking the tests and quizzes?" Justin wondered. "Don't you have all your stuff in your notebooks?"

"He normally takes the tests with me," Grant said. "I make sure that he doesn't cheat or anything."

Justin nodded, understandingly. Justin looked at his little brother, wondering what's been going on with him.

Grant took a deep breath and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I have an announcement to make," Grant said.

"And it is...?" Emma asked.

"Well be moving at the end of the school year," he announced.

"What?" Justin asked in shook. He dropped his fork and knife on the table.

"Your joking, right?" Gabriel demanded.

"No!" Emma said in disbelief.

"You can't do that!" Gabriel said. Grant looked at his youngest son.

"Yes, I can, and I will," Grant said. "We need a fresh new start. I've had your uncle look for an apartment for us in New York. He found the perfect one for us. I bought it already. And I already applied you kids to a middle school and a high school there already. Over the summer, you will be taking the test to see whether you get accepted or not over the summer."

Justin sighed in disbelief. Justin, like Gabriel, didn't want to move.

"Dad, all our friends are here," Gabriel said. "And we have set up our entire lives here. Why do we have to move?"

"My job offered me a better paying position," Grant said, "and this is the best for the family."

"This isn't the beat for the family," Gabriel said. "Justin and Emma might easily agree to this but not me."

"I'm doing my best to do make sure that everyone in this family is happy and try to give you kids what you want!" Grant said. 

"If you really want to give us what we want than you should take our opinions into consideration and not have us move across the country!" Gabriel said. "Accepting the job promotion and having us move is something that you want! Not me!"

"Do you want to be home schooled?" Grant questioned his son.

"No," he shook his head.

"Then this move is for the best," Grant said. "That way, you can start over at a new school and make new friends."

"Whatever!" Gabriel said. "Whatever!"

He stormed out of the kitchen and into his bedroom. He couldn't take it anymore. Not only did he lose the people he cared about, now he's going to lose the only family he ever had and possibly all of his friends. He wasn't willing to let that happen. 

Gabriel may not be willing to give that up, he knew he had no choice but to move at the end of the school year. 

Words [Riley Matthews]Where stories live. Discover now