21 ~ new house

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Gabriel got home from the subway and took off his jacket. He threw it on his bed then went over to his desk.

"Hey, Gabe," Emma said after knocked his door and entering.

"Hey," he said.

"How's your date?"

"Hm? It was good," he said.

"Good? Just good?" Emma asked.

"It was fun," Gabriel said.

"What did you guys do?"

"Um, we went on to the subway and talked," Gabriel said. "Um, we saw Riley's uncle, Josh, on the subway with his NYU tour guide and Maya kinda lost her thread I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"She has a crush on Josh," Gabriel said.

"What! He's Riley's uncle?"

"Yeah. He's like three years older than me. He's like around the same age as Justin."

"Oh, what happened then?"

"Maya went over to Josh then a few minutes later, Josh left. The date kinda ended when Josh left. Riley went to comfort Riley. Then a few moments later, Maya had Riley let go of the pole and fall onto my lap."

"That's all that happened?"

Gabriel nodded. "It's fun."

"Anything else happen?"

Gabriel thought back to Riley kissing him.

"There's actually one more thing."


"She kissed me."

"She kissed you?" Emma asked in surprised. "You has your first kiss?"

Gabriel laughed nervously.

"How on earth did my little brother have his first kiss before me?" Emma asked.

Gabriel shrugged.

Emma shook he head.

"You really like Riley, don't you?"

"I guess," Gabriel said, shrugging. "What happens now, though? What should I do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I kissed her," Gabriel said. "What are Riley and I now? What should I do?"

"Do whatever feels comfortable do to you," Emma said. "Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"No," Gabriel shrugged. "I like her a lot but I don't think I want to be in a relationship just yet."

"Then stick to being friends."

Gabriel nodded.

"Emma! Gabe! Dinners ready!"

"C'mon, lets go eat dinner," Emma said.


A few days passed and the Miller family were in the process of moving into a new house. The Matthews were helping out. It was awkward between Gabriel and Riley.

Gabriel would try to start a conversation with her but all that would come out of her mouth was hi. It bothered Gabriel a lot. He understood why Riley couldn't really say anything other than hi, but that didn't stop it from bothering him.

The thing that Gabriel liked about their new house is his room. It was much bigger than the one in their apartment. Gabriel dropped his backpack by the door and went to the center of the room. He turned around on his spot, admiring it.

Riley cleared her throat.

"Nice room, Gabe," she managed to say.

Gabriel looked at her.


"What - what will you be doing this summer?"

"Oh, we'll be heading back to Boston," Gabriel said.

"You're going to see your old friends?"

"Maybe," he shrugged. "I hope so. I haven't seen them since we moved here."

"Have - have you been talking to them?"

"Not that much," he admit. "Riley, we need to talk."


Gabriel walked over to his door and said, "About the kiss."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"There is," he said. "Riles, ever since the date, you've been acting differently. It's been awkward."

"No, it hasn't," Riley denied.

"Really? Because every time we talk, all you can say is hi," Gabriel said. "I don't want to be like this anymore."

"We kissed," she said. "What do we do now?"

"What do we do now?" he repeated. "We can't pretend this never happened. Riles, you're one of my best friends. I don't want something like a kiss to ruin our friendship."

"Me too," she agreed. "Do we, like, be coming a couple?"

"I'm not ready for that," Gabriel said, shaking his head. "I don't think you're ready for it either."

"You're right," Riley said. "If the kids at school expect us to be something more, let's not let them pressure us into becoming something we're not ready for."

"Yeah," Gabriel said.


Gabriel set up his room. He had his room look like his old room in Boston. This is something he's comfortable with. Something that reminds him of a life he once had.

Gabriel sat down on his bed and picked up a picture of him and his mother. Tears started streaming down his face. It's been little over a year since her passing and he missed her more than ever.

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