08 ~ first day of school

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It was the first day back to school and Gabriel struggled in the morning when he woke up. After months of being able to wake up whenever he wanted, he wasn't used to this. It was a struggle, but Gabriel managed to get prepared. 

"Gabriel, I'm sorry, but I can't take you to school," Grant said. "I don't have time to drop you off at your middle school and drop Justin and Emma at their high school."

"Why am I not surprise?" Gabriel asked. "You do this all the time since Mom died."

"No, I -" Grant started.

"Yes, you have," Gabriel said. "You keep using the same excuse all the time! You prefer to spend more time with Justin and Emma than me!"

"We both know it's not -" Grant said.

"Yes, it is true!" Gabriel said. "Just admit it, Dad, you hate me and you don't want me around!"

"I don't hate you," Grant said. "And I do want you around."

"Yeah, right," Gabriel scoffed. "Don't lie to me."

"Gabe -" Grant said.

"You know what?" Gabriel said. "I don't care! I'll go on my own!"

Gabriel picked up his backpack and left the apartment. 

"Hey," Maya greeted Gabriel. She had showed up at the Matthews to pick up Riley.

"Hi," he said. "What're you doing here?"

"I came to pick up Riley so we can go to school together," she said. "Since you're out friend, do you want to join us?"

"Whatever," he said.

"There's the Gabe that I like," Maya said, pointing at Gabriel and smiling.

"What?" Gabriel asked, confused.

"There's two different sides of you, the Gabe that doesn't care and the one who does, and I like the one that doesn't care," she said, smiling.

"Oh, okay?" Gabriel said, still confused.

"Anyway," Maya said, shaking her head. She turned around and pressed the buzzer. "Maya and Gabe."

On the other end, they heard Riley's voice say, "Come in."

Gabriel followed Maya into the apartment. 

They walked over to the dining table and sat down.

"Here are you breakfast," Topanga said, placing eggs and bacon on Maya's plate and Gabriel's plate.

"Oh," Gabriel said, "thanks, but I'm good."

"Oh, it's not an option," Topanga said.

Gabriel nodded and started to eat what she had given him.

"Ready for school?" Cory asked.

Gabriel just shrugged as he took a bite from his bacon.

Maya didn't say anything and Riley said, "Oh, I'm definitely ready."

"You two are coming by for dinner today, right?" Topanga asked Gabriel and Maya.

"I honestly have no idea," Gabriel said.

"You already know my answer," Maya said. 

"I can ask your dad to let you swing by," Topanga said to Gabriel.

"Oh, no it's fine," Gabriel assured her. "You don't have to."

"I'll ask him," Topanga said.


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