30 ~ trouble

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Gabriel glanced out of the classroom to see the principle. The moment he saw him, Gabriel knew there will be trouble. It seemed like a day can't go by without there being trouble.

"Riles, stop me right now," Maya said.


"I can't start liking a teacher, I'm Maya," Maya said.

"It's a good day," Maya said. "School got better and nothing could go wrong."

"I'm not so sure, Riles," Gabriel said, watching the principle coming to the classroom.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

The moment she asked that the principal entered.

"I'm passing by your class on your first day," he said, "and I can't help but notice that somebody has a comic book," he then realized, "everyone has a comic book."

"Actually, they're called graphic novels," Farkle corrected. "I think Harper is trying to teach us something important."

"Oh, Harper, hm," the principal said, turning to Harper. "Well, she's not. It isn't literature. It's comic books, which are against school policy, Miss. Burgess and so is calling Miss. Burgess by her first name! You will gather these up and you will teach something important. To Kill a Mockingbird? You familiar with it?"

"Yes, I am," Harper said.

"Then teach it, Miss. Burgess" the principal said.

He handed the novel to Harper then left, shutting the door behind him.

"So... the Dark Knight Returns!" she said, with a smile on her face.

A smile also appeared on Gabriel's face. This is where he belongs.

"Tomorrow, we will learn something important," Harper said.

The entire class started clapping and cheering for Harper.

Harper stopped the class from clapping.

"Wait!" she said. She walked over to Maya's desk. "You're not supposed to like a teacher? You're Maya."

"I know, what are you doing to me?" Maya asked. She stood up and started cheering for Harper. The rest of the class followed suit.


Gabriel went home after school and started on his homework. He managed to finish everything before going to the Matthews' apartment for dinner.

"Where are you going?" Grant asked his son.

"I'm going to the comic book store," Gabriel said.

"At this hour?" Grant asked.

"Dad, I'll be fine," Gabriel assured him. "I can take care of myself, Dad. Don't worry."

Grant hesitated. "Fine," he gave in. "You can go. Make sure your phone is on at all times."

"Alright," Gabriel said.

After saying goodbye to his father, Gabriel left to go to the comic book store. Gabriel put his good up as he headed to the store.


Gabriel arrived at the store and started to walk around the store trying to find Captain America comics. As he went through the aisles, looking for them, he ran into Caleb.

"Hey, Caleb," Gabriel said.

"Hey," he said. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, sorry," Gabriel said. "I've been distracted and busy lately."

"It's fine, I understand," Caleb said. "You have great friends here. Better then me."

"Don't say that."

"You and I both know it's true, Gabe," Caleb said. "I've been a terrible friend to you. You deserve better."

"Caleb, listen to me, you were a great friend, you still are," Gabriel said.

"I still think you deserve better friends," Caleb said.

"How about you come hang out with me and the others tomorrow?"

"Are you sure?" Caleb asked. "I don't want to intrude or anything."

"It's fine," Gabriel assured his friend. "They wouldn't mind."

Caleb nodded, smiling.


The following day at school, Gabriel and his friends sat at their desks in English.

Harper walked between the desks and said, "Good change?"

"Good is good," Riley spoke. 

"Can evil it?" Harper asked.

"It seems like every time we see the worse thing, someone always comes up with something," Lucas said.

"And why do you suppose that happens?"

"Because it's evil that fascinates us," Maya said.

"But doesn't good have to win in the end?" Lucas asked.

"Does it?" Harper asked. "Gabriel, what do you think?"

"I think that no matter what happens, good doesn't always win," Gabriel said. "And terrible stuff happens to show you how you really are and to show if how you are and how capable you are to fight these things. Good and evil balance each other happens. If it doesn't, then things would be in a worse state. And... in order for you to get to the good side of things, bad stuff always has to happen in order to reach the other end."

"Thank you, Gabe," Harper said.

Just as she said that the principal walked in. 

"I just happen to walk by on your second day," he said, "and I can't help but notice that there's still no mockingbird. I still see the comic books."

"Yes, we're studying the nature of good and evil," Harper said.

"Huh," he said, pretending to be shocked and surprised, "I don't care! Class dismissed."

"Excuse me?" Harper asked. 

"Study hall," he said. "Except you, Farkle. You go sit in a garbage can."

"Yeah," Farkle said. 

"Leave, now," their principal said.

The class got up and left. 

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