34 ~ resolved

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The conflict that Riley had was finally resolved. They were able to help Riley defend herself against her bully and stop her from bullying Riley again.

"You did it," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, thanks to you and the rest of the gang," Riley said, smiling.

"What about you and Maya? Everything okay with the both of you?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Riley assured him. "She got back at me and I so didn't see it coming."

Gabriel smiled. "Wanna go to the bakery? Everyone's going there to meet up."

"Yeah, sounds good," Riley said.

The two walked to the bakery together. 

"How's your writing?" Riley asked.

"Pretty good," Gabriel said.

"Will you let me read it someday?"

"Maybe," Gabriel responded. "Maybe not."

"Maybe not?" she repeated. "Why won't you let me read it?"

"I don't know," Gabriel said. "I'm still not sure if I want people reading my work. Especially the one I'm working on right now."

"I'm pretty sure whatever you're working on, it's really good," Riley said. "You should let us read it someday."

"Yeah, we'll see what happens in the future," Gabriel said.


The group all met up at the bakery. They all discussed their upcoming plans for the weekend. Riley and Maya were obviously going to spend the weekend together. Lucas was going out for dinner with his family. Gabriel, Farkle, Caleb, and Justin Miller were all going to bowling then sushi.

Everyone was looking forward to their plans. Gabriel kept glancing at Riley throughout the entire time they were there. He fully expected his feelings for her would fade away and would only see her as a friend, but clearly, it hadn't faded. 

He took a deep breath and looked at Lucas, who was talking about his baseball coming the following weekend and how he wanted them to be there to support him.

"Of course, we'll come, Lucas," Riley said. "You're our friend."

"That's great," Lucas smiled. "Make sure you don't make any plans for that day. I'm expecting you all to come."

After spending the afternoon at the bakery, the group went their separate ways. Gabriel got home and his family was already in the kitchen.

"Where were you all afternoon?" Justin asked his little brother.

"I was with my friends," Gabriel responded as he walked over to Justin, helping him with taking out the plates and the utensils needed.

"Did you have fun?" Grant asked.

"Yeah," Gabriel said, without looking at his father.

"That's good. Make sure you don't have plans this Sunday. I want to take you guys out for dinner. We haven't been able to go out and spend time together as a family outside of the house since we moved here. Finish all your homework before then. Understood?"

"Yeah, understood," they all responded. 



After dinner ended, Gabriel went to his room and finished up whatever homework he had left. He didn't have much, but it took him a while to finish. 

Once he finished up his homework, he laid on his bed with a book in his hands. It was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. He and his mother used to read it together all the time. He smiled at the book, remembering all the good memories he shared with his mother while reading the book. 

To this day, it is one of his favorite books. 

Words [Riley Matthews]Where stories live. Discover now