The truth.....

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Arnav started to drive his car rashly. Kushi sat silent. She looked at his face which is full of anger. Very soon he stopped his car and Kushi looked at him wide eye as he stopped his car before Gupta mansion. He got down from the car and moving to her side he opened the door for her.

Kushi - Why you took me here ? Are you going to say anything to Papa ?

Inreturn he just held her hand and took her inside and directly stroded towards upstairs. On the way they met Disha.

Disha - Arey Kushi you.... There is no one in home. Just now Mumma, Mamu and Gopal Kaka everyone went to satsang. They will come late night only. You could have came sometime before na....

Arnav - That means there is no one in the home. Right ?

Kushi looked at him confused while Disha gulped. Arnav - Kushi shall I tell you something interesting ? (Kushi looked at him) Till today all the misunderstandings happening between us is becoz of this girl....Miss.Disha.(Kushi looked at Disha shocked) She's the one who asked that Hotel worker to snap our photos....

Kushi - " Enough....what the hell are you thinking? You blamed me first and now you are pointing at Disha.come on Mr.Raizada.... Disha is my sister, just a college going girl. If you are thinking that I will accept any shit you are saying.... Then Iam sorry I won't. Tell me why would she do something like this ? " Kushi asked him angrily.

Arnav - That you should ask her (Turning to Disha) and You....Don't you dare lie to me. Ram Singh has accepted everything. If you accept everything it would be gud for you. Otherwise the consequences won't be gud.

He opened his phone and showed a picture to Kushi that Ram Singh has identified - See Kushi.... Look at this pick....

Kushi looked at the picture where she was there along with Disha. Her face was close to camera and got blurred a bit and Disha was little far from camera so her face was clearly visible.

Arnav -" He had looked at her pick and said she is Kushi. And I thought it was You..... " He said with tears pooled up in his eyes.

Disha looked at him angrily. Arnav - " And told that Iam disturbing you calling daily right ? Let's go to police....(Disha got startled) I'll file a complaint against you and you file a complaint against me. Police will investigate everything. Come....." he started dragging Disha with him.

Disha - Leave me....I said leave me....(Arnav didn't bother and kept on pulling her) Pls ASR leave me..... I didn't do anything against you. It's all for Kushi. believe me I didn't do anything against you....

Kushi got numb. Disha realised that she blurted the truth. Arnav left her and gave a tight slap. Kushi jumped from her place seeing that.

Kushi went near her - Did you do all this ? ANSWER ME DAMMIT....DID YOU DO ALL THIS... ?


Kushi looked at her broken - Why Disha ? I thought you as my sister. but you....

Disha cut off her - Sister....(She laughed) you thought me as YOUR SISTER..... How funny. You thought me as your sister....But listen I hate you.....From the childhood everyone hates me and loves you. Your father....That handicap Mr.Shiv Gupta... for him you are his princess. In Your father's business circle everyone adores you....but do they know that you have a cousin named Disha ?. NO...In this house every maid runs after you....Kushi bitiya this....Kushi bitiya that...Kushi my foot. At school also... You are a school topper, best athlete, Every teacher's favourite.But who is Disha.....? No one. At college You were chairman, Your father is member, In Your hospital you are an investor,40 percent share holder in your father's business, a successful surgeon in a short period of time....In all this where is Disha...... ?Again Nowhere. Everyone forget me because of you. But you will say that you consider me as your sister. Did you guys bought me from any garbage....Iam also a heir of this family right ? But why Kushi Gupta only you are everyone's favourite ? and This ASR....his image was about to crumble...but again what he did....he to fall for you and married youu.

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