For the last fifteen minutes, Elin has picked out for me some guys, pointing at them and asking my opinion. She thinks I should have a fling with someone while here, and my refusal was too stumbled according to her.

"What about him? He's been looking at you, he's cute" Elin says and bumps our arms.

I roll my eyes but again look to the direction she's trying to discreetly point to. Just a glance and it's enough.

"Are you crazy?" I mutter. "That look is creepy, and he's not cute. I know that type, just wants a fuck. Just move on already, will ya? I'm not desperate yet."

"But you will be if this goes on for too long. Okay, o-...oh my, Rick, give me one more chance. What about that guy, he's just coming in. Look!"

I glance up, only to look up again and properly check him out. He looks young, but not too young. Now he's sexy. I don't have time to ogle the boy for too long, as he's walked up to the counter and Elin takes his order.

As I tell him the total, he gives me a twenty-pound banknote and I hand him the change. I manage to act professional but whatever else I'd like to say, doesn't come out. While Elin prepares his order, he goes to talk with Jared and Dan. Are they friends? In that case I really hope he's still over eighteen, needing the luck to be on my side this time.

They talk for a while, and I watch the exchange wishing to be closer to hear his voice again. He's hot, yeah, but why does he make me feel like this already? What about him caught my eye? We haven't even actually talked, and I know nothing about him.

I'm not this curious of a guy at this stage yet. I need to know who he is and more about him. He ordered three coffees-to-go and pancake sandwiches, who's those for?

Elin shoves the bag at me and giggles when I grunt, startled back to reality. This is kind of her job but I see what she's doing. I walk up to Dan, Jared and their friend.

"Here's your order, I hope you enjoy" I say, with this specific smile of mine which Elin and others before have described as dashing, as I hand him the bag and plastic cup holder.

"Thanks" he says simply, almost ignoring me, and turns back to his friends. "That's good then. Well, I better go with these and leave you to it."

"I hope we'll meet again soon" Dan says, and he smiles at him with a nod and then leaves.

Sure, to Dan he smiles back, I mentally huff. I look after him and then sit down on the opposite to the boys. Elin can handle the counter for a while, she wanted me to do this anyways.

"So, a friend of yours? What's the deal with him? You know, is he involved with anybody?"

"Not that I know of and I don't care" Jared says, frowning. "Why?"

He goes on to tell me a shortened, obviously, version of Dan and his past with Wilder, how Jared and he used to be like best friends and what he had done to Dan. How it's his fault Dan is in a wheelchair. Jared finishes his speech exaggerating to be out of breath and unable to talk as he drinks his coffee.

His name is Wilder. I don't like what he's done, but he can't be a monster altogether. Whatever, he intrigues me. I understand Jared's dislike of the guy, and I feel the need to change the view for me.

"So, Wilder the bad boy, huh? I like that name" I smirk, crossing my arms looking out of the window to follow Wilder go inside a car that then drives off. Must be just the social workers Jared mentioned he's tortured by. "I'm going to make him mine."

Jared is apparently so shock surprised at my remark that he chokes on his drink and coughs hard, spitting some coffee back to the cup. Dan pats his back amused not yet understanding what I meant, judging by his confused face, while I laugh almost my ass off until Jared recovers getting his breath back.

"Well, this is ruined" Jared mutters hoarsely putting his coffee down on the table and then glares at me. "What the hell? Are you..."

I grin back. "Aye, a fucking faggot too and proudly so. Don't worry, mate, I'm not just trying to get into his pants. Rick's not like that."

"Okay...but just to tell you, Wilder wants to just get into girls' pants, nothing more, and also has zero gay in him. Like not at all, believe me. Not even like me, who hid it and tried not to be before. Didn't you just hear his story, with Dan and me?"

"I heard ya, but he seems like my kinda guy. He can't do anything to me, and as you said, he's changed. I hope not too much though. A bit younger, but he's cute and I've set my eyes on him already."

Jared gives an incredulous laugh, then starts laughing harder. "Cute? Oh my god. I did not just hear someone call Wilder cute."

"He's not a shrimp like your offence" I lift my hands in surrender as Jared's glare returns. "Cute and hotter, that's the combination. And about him not being gay, well, that's great. He'll be gay just for me."

"No, know what, just leave Dan and me all out of this, okay? You really don't want to know him, and to get Wilder like you in that way, is a mission impossible even if I wished you good luck. Sorry, man, but no."

"Pff, I don't need luck or you two in this in anyway, chill. Only me -" I muse with a small, smug smile, and there's a short silence at our table, "- and him. Just one thing though, can you give me his phone number?"

Jared shakes his head but then gets a smirk of his own. After he's gladly given me Wilder's number, I jump up to stand and go to Elin with the great news.

Wilder is no angel, and seems like a challenge both with his personality and to get him like me. Just my type, it's been a while since I've had a good challenge.


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