Chapter 51 - Exit

Start from the beginning

But I skidded to a halt around the corner as the bus was driving off, leaving the compound.

"Fuck." I whispered.

A movement to my right caused me to bring up my gun and take aim even, momentarily forgetting I had no ammo, but I quickly lowered it when I saw a curly haired 8 year old boy looking back at me and a girl maybe 9 years old with dark brunette hair. Her name was Molly

I sighed as I relaxed a bit and quickly moved to them. "Why weren't you on the bus?"

"We were with Lizzie and Mica. Lizzie wanted to help. She shot someone... I... We ran." Like explained

"Okay." I nodded. "Where are they? Are they still here?"

"Don't know." Molly answered as she shook her head.

"We need to leave, alright. But we've got to get back to Daryl. This way." I grabbed Luke's hand and let him pull Molly along with us and began to run, hoping Daryl would meet us half way around the other side, but as we came up to the walkway an explosion blew up the bridge above us as we just managed to jump back in time. The railings and wire came to a flaming crash, blocking the path.

Third Person

Daryl had his cross bow aimed at the last guy. At least the last as far as he could see. He'd been driving the tank and Daryl had flushed him out by throwing a grenade down the nozzle. He only waited for him to turn around and then fired an arrow into his chest.

It was then that Beth came running around the corner and straight up to him, the first person she had managed to find.

"I tried to find the kids. To get them on the bus." She answered.

Daryl looked to her and then began to shake his head. "We gotta go, Beth. We gotta go."

"Kats not with you?" She questioned having seen her last near him.

"She ran for the bus. Come on." He nodded before they both took off, running out of the prison.


A herd of walkers, too many for me to take out alone while watching two kids came from the direction we had. Leaving us only one choice. We had to leave. To run to the back of the prison and out into the woods.

"Daryl!" I yelled, but there was no reply and a sob from a nine year old girl pulled my attention back to the kids. Molly was starting to cry, her knee was bleeding from the fall she had taken jumping back from the collapsing railings. Luke was backing up into me his gaze fixed on the herd of maybe 20 approaching us, terror written over his face.

I grabbed his hand again and then Molly's and pulled them towards our only exit.

Couple of short chapters just to get the ball rolling again and I just liked those endings. Hard core back into the walking dead at the moment. I love the new seasons. I have a few issues with a couple of things with it mainly how thickly they're laying on this  whole romance aspect... like the show has always had a bit of that but at the moment it just feels very heavy with a lot of characters... but anyway. They're also hinting at a Daryl romance and after like ten years of nothing I don't think I'll ever be happy with it because it'll never feel right and ... I am unfortunately attached to my OC... like I literally ruined it for myself.
But I'm so so so god damn happy that we got this massive time jump like it really felt like a proper kick start again.

I want to get through these next bits as fast as possible because god I love Negan and I'm so desperate to do something with him. But it shouldn't be too hard because everyone is split up so when just focusing on one person it can move on fairly quick and I'm not even sure if I want to bother with the wolves? But I probably will.

Anyway as some of you may know I had this massive USB crash and lost literally everything aside from some older stuff I had on an old computer and getting back into this was just exhausting because I write A LOT ahead of schedule just kinda ideas and cool scenes or convos I think of and yeah. Big struggle to find motivation after that. But I think from now on I'll just keep everything on drafts on Wattpad and see how we go.

My teen wolf fic I think has suffered the most from it. daredevil and Peaky blinders and this one I can pull through all right. And I'm thinking about pulling down my hobbit/Lotr, vampire diaries and game of thrones. They're never going to be done. I just know it. The game of thrones one I don't even like what I did anymore and I've since planned an entirely different thing that I absolutely love but I don't think will ever post until it's mostly done to avoid these long pauses in updates.

Anyway. Sorry I'm trash and lazy and a general idiot for not having backups of my files. Thank you to those who are still here xxx

The Fear (The Walking Dead / Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now