So unreal

18 4 0

I was walking towards the cafe glancing the world people walking around me moving towards their goals or destinations just like me I guess.

I looked towards sanky he glanced at me and frowns asking me with his eyebrows what happened i nooded in no .

We sat on cafe seats I looked at him and he looked at me after mintues of slience between us we said at the same

"I want to say something"

We both laughed slowly

He holds my hands in his doesn't it all seems magical looking at this i smiled at his this gesture

"So what's the matter" he asked

"The thing is that.."

His phone ringed he left my hand in between then

"Sorry i have to take this one give me a min"

He left saying that i saw him standing outside through glass and talking with someone he laughed on something on which other person might have said his eyes were shining their were twinkle in his eyes the smile was reaching his ears i never saw him so happy with me suddenly jealousy plugged in me

I gitched my hands tightly

What is happening with me I'm feeling envy ughh who might be that person he is talking with

Then i felt something wet on my hands I looked at my hand it was all red and i gitched a knife unexpectedly  and now it was all over the table the red blood was flowing i was looking at my hand sliently

I took a napkin and wrote on it that I'm leaving will meet u at home i got some urgent work and took a leave from their

I just moved beside him that he doesn't even noticed me moving bedside him he was so happy and his eyes were closed at that moment while laughing i felt happy but sad at the same moment how can be that possible for me to feel that

Sudden pain jointed in my body i don't know what that was it was my hand or something else eating me I don't know it was so small matter and I'm reacting like this he was no one to me dammn

I'm messed up

I took out my handkerchief from my bag and wrapped it around my open wound in my plam tightly

It hurted at first but looks like it doesn't even matter now

I felt a buzz then i looked at my phone

I won't be back at home today I'm meeting with someone tonight with catch with you tomorrow

From : / Sanky

I was sitting on bench now in a park looking at leaves falling down on road and it getting apart as someone steps on it , Children's running around chasing each other , couples waking hand in hand.

Whom should I talk with battling with myself bottling up my all feelings inside me .

Then i move towards a slient place it was always my hide out when i felt that sorrow swollen me i came here to relive it off from me

Chillness hugged my arms I inhaled my breath slowly then I saw my phone buzzing

It flashed


I missed him

"Hey" I said

"How r u " he said

"I'm fine" if it was all true

"That voice of urs doesn't sound like it is My girl"

My heart pounded in my chest after hearing My girl from him

"I'm sure I'm super duper fine dan"

"Umm by the way i missed u "

The words i wanted to him maybe from him or someone else

"I missed u too"

"Sanky told me everything happened in the past few months "


"Ya he is taking care of you well? "

"Ya he is " I closed my eyes then opened them

"That's all I needed to here one thing matters to me and that is your happiness "

"Stop being so sweet  dan"

" I won't be if that sentence gonna make u miss me more i will do that more often now "

Ghosh this guy

"I will talk with you later I'm feeling sleepy all of a sudden"

"Is I'm boring or what?"

"No dan i like talking with you so much"

"Promise me when u feel like sharing something u will think of me"

"I promise"

"Good girl i will grant u leave now"


"Can u prefer Saying see you soon instead it makes me feel that u r drafting away from me "

"See you soon dan "

"See you soon too my girl"

As I took a cab and reached my home and moved towards my room and lays on my bed and darkness drowned me after closing my eyes.

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