He tickled me as I laughed and couldn't fight him off. "M-Megamo, stop!" I said and he smirked as he kept going. "That- That tickles!" I said and he pinned down my arms with barely any effort as he kept going for another 10 minutes. "Why'd you do that?" I asked him when he was done and noticed he was still pinning me down. "O-Oh, can you let me go?" "Right, sorry." "It's fine. Not like you hurt me." "I never could." "Thanks, but doesn't your family still suspect us of being dangerous? So if I was for some reason dangerous, you'd have to hurt me because you don't want to put the school in danger." I said and Megamo rolled his eyes. "Be honest, how much would you hurt someone?" "I said for some reason because you know I couldn't be dangerous." He nodded as I smiled to him before feeling a bit thirsty.

"Oh, Megamo, where are your water bottles?" "Are you thirsty?" "Obviously." I said and he nodded while having me follow him where Kencho was eating. "Oh, is she your girlfriend?" He asked and Megamo growled before getting me water. "Here (Y/n). Drink up then we'll go back to my room." "Okay." "I hope you know she's staying with me Megamo." Megami said and I noticed Kencho angry as I was confused. "Of course. I'm saying that to keep her from Kencho." "You and I know we wish something bad were to happen to Megami so you can run the Saikou company." Kencho said while I looked at them confused as I was drinking my water. "You want both of us dead so you can run the company, Kencho." Megami said and I was shocked. "Aren't you their siblings? Why do you want them dead?" "You did listen to Megami, didn't you? God you're an idiot." Megamo growled after Kencho said that and held me as I was finishing my water before putting my cup down on the counter and walking away.

"Come on, let's get away from this pest." Megamo growled and we walked away.

Gin's POV

"She seems harmless..." I said while watching them on the camera. When they got to Megamo's room again, (Y/n) looked up at the camera. "Oh, you have a camera here?" "Yes, were you planning to do anything?" "No, it's just, I'm a bit confused. Aren't rooms where you go for privacy? Why do you have a camera here?" "It's for security reasons." She nodded and they spoke again, having a normal conversation before we went to them.

"What would you like for dinner Miss Aishi?" "I'm sure whatever would be fine Mrs. Can I help cook it?" "Why?" I asked and she smiled as she spoke, "Because I know your family doesn't like mine. I'm not sure why but I feel horrible for being here as you seem to be forcing yourself to let me stay here. But now that I think about it, it does seem suspicious that I want to help, doesn't it?" I nodded but Mary spoke. "If Megamo keeps an eye on her, I don't see a problem with it." She said and (Y/n) bowed to her. "Thank you Mrs Saikou." "I like that she has manners, let's go." She nodded and followed her as Megamo was behind us.

After dinner- Reader POV

"That was great Mrs Saikou." I smiled and she smiled to me. "Anything you want to know?" "Actually if it isn't too much to ask... Why does your family hate mine?" "Your mother threatened to separate us as easily as she brought two students together." Mr Saikou said as I was shocked. "She did what?" I asked and they nodded. "Why don't you go sleep? I'm sure your mother wants you home early tomorrow. Are they staying tonight Megami?" Mrs Saikou asked her daughter about the Student Council and they nodded. "If that isn't too much of a problem." "Of course not. It's always a pleasure to have you four here." The two said and they nodded as we went upstairs when Mrs Saikou said that Kencho cleans the kitchen.

We went to Megami's room while I stared in shock from her room. Aoi looked away from the three girls and grumbled that they were showing too much skin, especially Akane as Aoi was in clothes that covered her whole body. Megami and I were in similar clothes to Aoi as we smiled and talked about whatever.

"Succubus still following you?" "Who?" Kuroko asked Akane as I nodded. "That's going to sound so weird to your parents..." I said to Megami as Succubus showed herself. "You don't remember me?" "You've met them?" "Ah, you." She said to Succubus as she sat next to me. "Yes, I've met them." "How?" "Nothing you need to worry about." She pat my head and I sighed, already knowing she'd be impossible as we just spoke about what we've heard and found in school. "Musume and her friends are pissed that you made them work." "Well I'm annoyed that they think they can let other students clean for them." I said to Shiromi and she nodded, "Just be careful." "I will." I said and they nodded while we spoke about what drama we've been hearing.

"Alright, nothing big at least." Kuroko said and we nodded. Megami took a look at her phone and her eyes widened. "We've been talking about small drama for five hours..." She said and I looked at my phone to see that it was 1 in the morning. My eyes widened as the other girls were the same as I finally saw Akane's green eyes. "We should sleep..." Shiromi said and I nodded while laying down in a sleeping bag. The others did the same and we slept.

"Wake up." I was lightly shaken awake and saw Megami. "Hm?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning a bit. I saw that I was the second one up and checked my phone to see that it said it was 7:30. "It's too early to be awake on a Saturday..." I muttered as the four others were asleep. "No. I'll be waking them up. You just started to cry in your sleep. What was wrong?" "Oh... a nightmare about Amai getting killed... That would be horrible..." Megami nodded while Kuroko stirred. "Why is your face red?" She asked, putting her glasses on and saw that. "She has a nightmare about Amai getting killed." She said while I helped wake up the remaining three. I woke up Akane and she smiled as she sat up. "How are you so cheerful to wake up?" Aoi asked, grumbling that she's tired.

"(Y/n) needs to go home. Her father is here." We heard Mrs Saikou said and I nodded as we changed. I walked out with my bag and saw dad as he smiled to me. "I hope she didn't bother you Mr Saikou?" "Not at all James." "That's a relief." Dad said and got up, nodding to Mr Saikou as he nodded in return. "Let's go home (Y/n). Your mother isn't the happiest you spent the night here." "But I was given permission by both of you. Why would she be mad?" "As Mr Saikou said, our family doesn't have the best relationship together." "Oh yeah, that. Alright. Bye!" I waved as the Student Council waved, Kencho did nothing as Mr and Mrs Saikou nodded.

We drove home and mom was sitting in the car, a bit annoyed. "I didn't like you going there." Mom said and I looked confused. "Why would you try to separate Mr and Mrs Saikou? They didn't do anything to you." "They tried to keep me from your father." Mom said, holding dad's arm as the door had a knock. Mom went to answer it and I saw Oso there. "Can your daughter hang out with us at the park?" She asked as I saw the other four behind her. "Of course. Just bring her back soon." They nodded as I walked out with them. "Hi. So what are we doing?" "Just hanging out in the park. Do you want to bring Sen?" "Actually yeah. I'll be back in a minute." I said and walked inside as they looked confused. "I want to take Sen." Mom and dad nodded as I called her.

"Sen! Come here girl!" Unlike most cats, she scampered down to me as I picked her up. "Let's go girl." I said and walked out, holding her but she went on my shoulder. "Aw, that's adorable." Amai said as I nodded and pet her. "This is new. Wish I could ask her why she did it." I said and Succubus shrugged. "Not like any demons know either." We nodded and walked.

Hanako, Osana, and Raibaru joined us and smiled to us. "Oh, you're carrying Sen." Raibaru saw and Sen pawed at her. Hanako looked like she was goin to burst as Sen pawed at her too. "Where did you get her? She's so cute!" Hanako squealed and we smiled. "Actually, your brother showed me her and I kept her in my care." I said and saw the old woman at the corner but she was sitting on a bench and feeding pigeons. There was no sign against it so she continued as I went up to her. "Miss, look at Sen." She looked up and smiled. "I'm so glad she got a good owner. Has she been alright?" "She's been great." I smiled and Sen jumped to her lap and rubbed her head against her stomach.

"(Y/n)?" "Yeah?" "Who's this?" "She's the woman who gave me Sen." I smiled and took Sen back. "Take good care of her, okay?" I nodded to the woman and left.

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