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"Forgiveness is the bittersweet fruit "

Forgiving herself was the hardest part but with forgiveness comes apologies , apologies she never gave to herself. She sacrificed her health for wealth, disregarded the signs that were given to her showing her that certain people in her life were not who she needed. It was her who needed her, it was her who needed fixing its her who needed healing. She needed her more than anyone did and she held on to denial for years. She believed fixing the problems of all who entered her life would heal her . She thought healing was her purpose , her power , the principle she lived by. Helping others survive their demons while she drowned in her own , swallowing the fire down her throat each day. After all her heart was still bleeding, she spent years trying to find her purpose but the problem was she never wanted to find it alone. It scared her, left her breathless, curled up in a ball seeking validation. To her discovery she was indeed a healer but even healers are capable of causing destruction. The destruction she caused for herself broke her as she was on a search for love and clarity, anything to fill the voids in her chest that she believed she didn't have time to fix. Either life was moving in too fast or the thought of dealing with it would take too long, she never believed time was something she had on her side. Growth was rushed and she wanted to sit down , slow down and soak it in. She was exhausted and needed energy. She needed light so she opened the windows of her life and with what once brought rain and cold fronts now brought sunlight, fresh air and temporary clear skies. Her mind finally muted. Seasons changed, weather breaks and flowers bloom and so did she.

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