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"If I'm somebody else It never happened to me " - Emeli Sande

Till this day she is trying to figure out what love he was, when they were good they were great but when they were bad they were terrible. Sometimes she thought it was his pride , cause she had none. Other times she didn't know what it was and eventually she didn't care. She spent years trying to prove to him that her heart was a different color but as time went on she started to feel like a bookmark that he would move back every chapter, almost as If he was comfortable putting things on pause. The reunion between the two was unexpected and proving to him that she was a good woman was a constant cold on her chest. Some days it seemed he knew that and those are the days he would kiss her a little slower, the love they made felt less like lust and he held her hand tighter. But most days it seemed he didn't care. It didn't matter. She became insecure that year, without any male figure to talk to she hid the flaws he pointed out. That summer he told her she was the love of her life. That same day she fell to her knees and prayed for the relationship they shared.
October came and after all the breaks they took, all the space he gave him, all the tears and broken promises she got tired of the loose "I love you". She had to admit she loved him more than she loved herself. Her vulnerability caused her to vacate the only person she knew, herself & on October 6th 2018 she let him go.

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