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Her love for him became bitter sweet. She didn't look at him with the same graces she used to .. she didn't get butterflies anymore she get stomach aches . she get headaches and nasty attitudes. she would get irritable and angry and take her frustration out on her loved ones . Another dumb decision. sometimes he would get in her car and she wouldn't even speak . she was silent . After being muted for so long she didn't want to say anything , she didn't have anything else to say . She repeated herself enough , saying what she needed to say over and over . She had expressed her feelings and what's wrong & got nothing . Sometimes not even a respond. just talking to a wall. She knew this was an issue for her back in October when she started questioning herself as a woman , what was she doing wrong , what wasn't she doing right ? Was she good enough ? she never let anyone ever question her womanhood . she always knew she was a good one not perfect but real , her love , her devotion, it was real . But she got tired of putting people before myself . especially him .. she didn't argue wit him anymore , she don't state her issue when she had one , she distanced myself and she knew he felt it .. he felt her slipping away and her biggest dilemma is if he was only trying now because he feels it or if this is just god testing her . she felt like god , the universe , the higher ups whoever tests her a lot . But with every test she learned a lesson . some tests are harder than others . She don't care anymore . He added fuel to her mental and emotional fire . He left a very unloving grip on her chest. Leaving her feeling unloved thinking everything she did was wrong. She felt like an item for a very long time & she was heart broken for a very long time but now she was just numb.
The love wasn't fair. so instead of burning each other out , he burned her out .. the result of that was this. she kept forgiving and forgiving and every time she forgave him he loved her more and more. he clenched on to her heart more and more , without even realizing she was getting exhausted and she was letting go of her hold .. her clench, Slowly .

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