chapter eleven:

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I looked at the clock and rushed to the door, flipping the sign from open to close. I should have closed an hour ago, seeing that no ones came in for awhile now, but oh well. I was feeling giddy and way too excited to care. I quickly grabbed the vacuum from the storage room and did the fastest cleaning job ever. Pushing a little pie crumb under the sofa when the vacuum didn't do its job. I was just about to head back to the storage room when I read light tapping on glass. My heart sank from the noise, fearing something awful. When I turned my head to see who it was, a smile quickly formed on my lips. Just behind the window stood my knight in shining armor. The very man who promised to take me home tonight because he cared so much about my safety. I skipped to the door, opening it and watching him shuffle in. 

"Thank you again so much for coming, Eddie. I'm almost done. Just need to put the vacuum away and lock everything up. It shouldn't take long at all." I said to him,  relocking the door as Eddie fixed his backwards hat and stepped more into the café, looking around.

"It's all good, Nat. No worries. Just take your time." He looked at me as the corners of his mouth started to curl into a smile. Having my heart flutter at his very sight.

"Okay, um just get comfortable I guess." He nodded and walked over to the couch and sat down. Minding his own business as I finished up closing the place. Once I had everything double-checked and in place for tomorrow I walked back over to Eddie and stood behind him. Leaning my head over his shoulder, peeking at what he had in his hands. He was reading the back of some love novel called 'Summer Storms' a book some customer had left behind a few days ago.

"Are you planning on reading that, Fabio?" I smirked, giggling when he threw the book on the coffee table and stood up in a rush. He looked down at his feet, trying to hide himself off from me, as his cheeks flushed from embarrassment. He was like a child getting his hand caught in a cookie jar.

"I, uh… I don't normally pick up those kinda books or anything like that." He said, trying to hide the fact that he might be "in the closet" romantic. It was cute watching him struggle.  Eddie shoved his fingers into his pants pockets and turned to the door. 

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, let me just grab my jacket." I walked over to the hanger and grabbed my bright yellow raincoat off the wall, heading back over to him. He held the door open for me as I hunched under his arm and walked out. The night was chilly again but thankfully it had stopped raining hours ago. I looked over and saw Eddie looking deep in thought. I reached out and took his hand in mine, letting our hands lace together as we walked. 

"So… are you hungry?" He asked me, stepping over a crack in the assfault which had formed a pretty deep rain puddle. I kept silent and continued walking, he must have figured I didn't hear him so he asked again. "Are you hungry?"

"No," I nervously said in return. I always hated being asked that. All my life whenever someone asked me if I was hungry I would lie and say no. It was a self-conscious thing, because I was always hungry. When I was alone I would eat and gorge myself with anything I could shove in my mouth. My dad always knew about my condition but being a male he just thought it was a thing most women did. Little did he know, after I would stuff myself with junk food. I would cry myself to sleep for how disgusting I made myself feel. So many nights ended with a tear soaked, pillow. 

Eddie stopped me in my tracks. Looking down at me with a deep frown casting his handsome face. I looked up and swallowed at his expression, feeling a little uneasy with his stare. 

"What is it?" 

"Let me ask you this again. Though this time, I want your honest answer." He let go of my hand and crossed his arms over his chest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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