chapter: two

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Jasmine tea

After my near death experience, two nights ago. I still couldn't hardly think straight. I'd messed up two orders of basic coffee and added real milk to someone's soy latte. I needed a break. I took off my apron and walked around the counter to the seating area. I sipped on my jasmine tea and thought about him again, Eddie Vedder. Long hair, blue eyes and the voice that could move mountains. Fuck! Why couldn't I get him out of my mind? Yes, he saved my life by some lowlife drunks but nothing more came out of it. Or had it? 

--------------- flashback---

After I calmed down a little, he walked me over to a bench. We sat in silence and just listened to the cars driving by. Maybe if my nerves weren't so shot I'm sure it would have been nice. Peaceful, actually. I sat beside a gentleman, a man named Eddie who out of nowhere came and fought a battle for me. I watched him from the corners of my eyes. Seeing him lost in thought as he fiddled with his hands. Was he nervous? I brushed my shoulder up against him. The cold night air finally hitting me once more. He noticed and looked down at me. 

"Are you cold?" 

"No, I'm okay." My body betrayed me as I started to shake. A hum like sound emitted from his chest and before I could protest he took his heavy flannel off and pulled it over my shoulders. 

"There that should keep you warm." He smiled and let out a light chuckle as I shook my head at him.

"Oh no, please. I can't wear this. It's cold and you need it." I tried taking it off but he shook his head and gently placed his hand over mine. 

"Natalie, it's fine. Honestly, don't even worry about me." I looked from his sweet and caring eyes to his hand over mine. He must have thought he overstepped because he pulled away. He looked down and let out a breath of air. Watching it smoke from his mouth before he got up and motioned with his head. 

"Come, I'll walk you home."

----------------- end of flashback---

Strangers who save your life don't just walk you home or lend you there flannel, right? That night when I crawled into bed I didn't even take that piece of fabric off nor the very next day. I was falling head over heels for this stranger. 

I became lost in thought for the hundredth time that day and didn't even notice the chime of the door go off.


I'd just taken another sip of my tea when I nearly choked. That voice. I slowly looked up from my cup and was met with none other than my hero, Eddie. 

A lot shorter than I hoped but next chapter I plan to make up for it.

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