chapter three:

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A Simple Cup of Coffee

While I choked on my drink, Eddie became worried and placed his hand on my back. Lightly patting it as you would a child.

"Sorry bout that. Didn't think I'd scare you." He said once I'd calmed down and was able to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "You alright now?" 

"Um, yeah. Sorry that's really embarrassing." I giggled nervously as I place my drink down on the table and tuck some hair behind my ear. "I just never thought I'd ever see you again. Especially here of all places." I looked up at him and smiled. Still utterly surprised.

"It's a small world we live in." He smirked, shoving his fingers in his pants pockets. He looked down at the floor and just sorta stood there. Looking as though he was thinking over what he should say next. I wasn't sure why or how our paths crossed again but I was actually really excited. I didn't want him to leave or feel like he made a mistake by approaching me so I made the first step. 

"I never got to repay you back after what you did for me the other night. I haven't actually forgotten about you either, trust me." I laughed, with a slight blush on my cheeks as I looked back at him. He still wouldn't make eye contact but his smile seemed to grow by what I said. 'Gosh, I really hope I wasn't coming off as creepy.' I thought. 

"Come, please have a seat." I beckoned with my hand to the open chair across from me. I stood up as he sat down. "I work here and I can get you anything you want. Coffee, muffins, cookies, anything." 

He leaned back in his chair and laced his fingers together as he looked into my eyes. Allowing me the pleasure to get lost in his ocean blues. 

"That's very sweet of you to offer. I may just have to except." He licked his bottom lip and tipped his head to the side. "Just a normal coffee will do, thank you." 

I nodded with his order and walked myself right back to all the espressos. Filling a cup with simple black coffee and returning back to him, placing it on the table. "Are you sure there isn't anything else I can get you." I asked kindly, hoping to do more for this man.

"No, this will be fine." He reached for the cup but didn't take it. He frowned and kept his eyes glued to the table. "Actually, yes there is something more you could do for me." I shuffled a little closer to his chair. Waiting for him to continue. "I was invited to this dumb get together with some friends tonight and I was really hoping that if you wouldn't busy you'd accompany me to it." 

I stood nervously watching him. Trying to figure out why he'd want someone like me to go with him. I was just a normal person. A tiny, scared little girl who he had to save from complete strangers the other night. Clearly that didn't make my special, right? As I fought with myself on this he must have gotten worried because he started to get up. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. That was to forward and wrong of me to ask… I uh-" he stammered as I quickly interpreted him. Not wanting to lose him. 

"No, no, no, of course I'd like to come with you. Gosh Eddie, you seem like such a cool and awesome guy. I just found it odd that you'd want a girl like me around. I mean, you did see me cry like a baby in front of you and I can honestly say I'm nothing special nor very pretty." I shook my head and laughed. Shrugging my shoulders as I looked back at him surprised by the serious expression on his face that made my childish smile fade. 

"Not pretty? Natalie, I've heard many crazy and unrealistic stories in my lifetime but that one wins them all. Your by far the most gorgeous person I've ever crossed paths with. I wish for one day you'd see yourself as such." He reached out and placed his hand over my arm. Gently stroking his thumb over my skin. Making my body rise with goosebumps. "I'm also asking you out because I wish to know more about you. After what happened the other night I just hadn't been able to get you off my mind. I sound crazy I know, but it's true." He withdrew his hand and I couldn't have felt more alone. Needing his touch more than air as he now stood up for real this time. "You don't have to give me an answer now. Just think it over and give me a call later, here." He took out his wallet and handed me a folded up piece of paper. Placing it in my hand as he gave me a charming smirk. "I look forward to seeing you again, Nat." He nodded one last time and walked away. He headed out the door and down the street. I slowly walked to the window, peeking around the corner to see if I could still see him but he had vanished. Out of sight but not from my mine. I clenched the piece of paper to my chest and smiled. I'd made up my mind. I was gonna go out with Eddie tonight. The only problem now was… what do I even wear?"

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