chapter one:

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I hated closing. I hated it more then walking my dirty laundry down a two mile block for the world's sketchiest laundromat. "Why did I even offer to close?" I groaned to myself. It was pushing close to midnight by the time I locked up. My one co-worker called in and the other wasn't feeling good by eight. As much as I wanted to leave first I couldn't. The poor girl was miserable and I just told her to leave. With everything locked and double checked I headed down the back alley. It also didn't help ease my stress when I looked up to see a full moon in the sky. "Great, the weirdo's are out tonight." I huffed with annoyance and started to head for home. 

Nights were always cold in Seattle. Especially nearing the end of August. I hugged myself and walked a little faster. Trying to stay clear from bars and other drunk's who might be out tonight. I stumbled upon a few leaving the bars but they thankfully paid no mind to me. I'd just crossed St. Lucas street when I heard a group of guys come up behind me. 

I started to panic.

"Well, well, well… look who's out tonight, boys." Laughed a well intoxicated male behind me. I ignored them and prayed they'd just get bored of me and continue on there way, but I was wrong. 

"Where you headed off too in such a hurry?" Another voice said. 

"You should come have a drink with us. Come celebrate with me, honey." 

I almost made it to the end of another street corner before the crossing light turned red, stopping me in my tracks as cars drove past. My palms began to sweat and my heart beat began to race. The drunks started to circle around me. 

"Please, just leave me alone." I whispered out. Keeping my arms tightly around myself and eyeing the crossing light. 'Turn green, turn green, turn green.' I kept chanting in my head. 

"Oh she has a voice, boys." The tallest of the three chuckled, shadowing my tiny figure. "And what a pretty sound it is." 

"I wonder what other pretty sounds she could make with that voice." 

I looked to my left and saw his hand reach out for me. I screamed and ran before he could grab me. "Help me! Someone help." I yelled running down the street, knowing my predators were hot on my heels. My eyes watered with fear as I could hear there sick and vile threats shouting behind me. "Help!" I screamed. I could barely see where I was running as the tears started to fall. I ran right into a figure who just came out of a building. He studied me for a split second before pushing me behind him. He stood tall and ready to fight my chasers.

"Who the fuck are you?" Said one of the drunks to my protector. 

"I could ask you the same thing. Though I think you should leave." 

"Oh yeah, asshole? You think your so tough? I'll show you." I closed my eyes and froze when I heard a fist make contact with someones jaw and falling the to pavement.

"Screw you man, have her for all I care." The drunk growled, spitting out blood from his mouth as I hear it slat on the ground.

I knew they ran off the other way but I didn't look past my hero to see their retreat. I was safe now. I heard the man sigh in relief, turning himself to face me as I looked up to him. 

"It's alright now, your safe and there gone." He gently placed one hand on my arm for comfort and I allowed it. I let out a whimper as his face broke out in anger. "Did they hurt you?" He whipped his head around to see if he could find them. I knew if I didn't say anything soon he'd take off running just to beat there ass some more.

"No, no they didn't." I whispered, biting my lip and whipping my eyes. I heard him let out a deep breath and I wasn't sure why he cared so much about my well being, but I was thankful nevertheless.

"I'm very relieved to hear that." He offered me a sad smile and lightly squeezed my arm. "What's your name?" 

 "Um, Natalie." I whispered. Shifting a little on my feet.

"Well Natalie, it's very nice to meet you. I'm sorry you just had to experience that. I couldn't imagine if-" He stopped himself and closed his eyes, swallowing before he spoke again. "I'm just glad you're now safe." 

My knight in shining armor really cared about me and I was eternally grateful for his help. I wasn't sure if it was fear or my overwhelming need of comfort but I threw myself into his arms. My action must have thrown him off as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me. 

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving me. I don't know what could have happened if you hadn't." I cried into this strangers chest as he calmly rubbed a hand up and down my back. "Gosh, I'm just so grateful for you and I don't even know your name." I chuckled lightly as I sniffled a few years back. I pulled myself away from him. Noticing his ocean blues as I admired his high cheekbones. He smiled bashfully down at me and withdraw his gentle hold.

"My name's Eddie, Eddie Vedder."

So what do you think for my first try? Does this spark any interest in some people? I have chapter two and three done. I'll post those up later this week. Thanks so much for reading~

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