{15} little red scarf 🌊

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The next day, Jungkook had way less work to do ; Seokjin had probably had his share of fun, and now let the boy with only a few tasks to complete by the end of the day. It was a fair trade, in exchange for the comfortable bedroom, the nice view of the sea, and the waffles for breakfast, and Jungkook did everything he was asked as properly and efficiently as he could.

He had befriended the canteen lady, who he had learned was called Iseul, and chatted with her while doing the dishes, before going to the beach for his lifeguarding shift. Like the day before, he left the hotel with a lunch ready in his backpack ; at first he had told Iseul to not bother preparing it and that he could simply buy something for himself on the way, but Iseul explained it reminded her of when she used to cook for her own children before they left Gimyong to work in the city, and he was unable to refuse her offer.

Once he got to the beach, he got the highchair, the flag, and the buoy out from the shed, wore his uniform, and settled on the highest part of the beach. The air was a little warmer that day, and the sky a little clearer ; the horizon seemed to reach even farthen than on the day he arrived in Gimyong.

During the next few hours, he noticed he began to recognize a few of the regulars ; a few faces were becoming familiar, and if he didn't remember their names yet, he sure recalled their dogs'. A few inhabitants passed by to chat with him -about the weather, the primary school fair, the latest wedding in town... Everyone seemed to already consider him as one of Gimyong's residents, and Jungkook genuinely felt welcomed here, more than he could have ever imagined. He caught himself laughing along with a grandfather and his granddaughter, and feeling a little sad when they left.

Around noon, the beach got empty ; everyone went home to eat with their family, and Jungkook was alone again, eating his sandwiches on his highchair.

"So, how is the beach today ?"

Jungkook looked down, and saw Taehyung beside him.

"Um, pretty good I guess. No one died yet."

Taehyung laughed. He was still wearing the white shirt he always wore under his uniform, but his usual apron wasn't tied around his waist.

"Good. Good. How are you getting used to the job ?"

"Surprisingly well, to be honest. I don't mind spending my day here."

"Really ? You lived in Seoul before, didn't you ? What job did you do over there ?"

Jungkook's heart suddenly felt a little heavy. He didn't like thinking about his life in Seoul.

"Not much. I was doing mostly part-time jobs, nothing interesting. Anyway. I like it better here."

Taehyung nodded -he probably understood Jungkook wasn't comfortable talking about it-, and sat on the sand quietly. At first Jungkook thought it was a little weird how he sometimes stopped talking and began just looking around without a word. But now it seemed more natural, and the silence became actually pleasant.

A few minutes later, as Jungkook's mind had begun to drift away lulled by the dance of the waves, he heard a woman's voice call out Taehyung's name.

"Taehyungie ! Taehyungie, darling, would you mind doing me a favor ?"

Jungkook recognized a woman he had seen strolling on the beach not long ago, with a white Jindo puppy at her feet. But the funky little red scarf the dog was wearing earlier, had now disappeared.

Taehyung stood up and walked up to her, while Jungkook got down of his highchair ; after all if she had a problem, it was his job to help her.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Dae ?" Taehyung asked politely.

"Well, my little Bomi here was a little too enthusiastic while playing in the water, and he managed to lose his scarf. I was wondering if you could bring it back ? I can see it floating over there," she pointed to a red spot, quite far out on the sea.

Jungkook lifted a perplex eyebrow. What could Taehyung do for her ? The scarf was way too far for him to swim out to ; by the time he'd get there, the wind would've taken the muffler even further away.

But Taehyung agreed to help her, and stripped on the spot.

"H-Hyung ? What are you doing ?" Jungkook asked.

"What do you mean, 'what' ?" Taehyung asked back. "I'm getting that scarf back."

"Wait, the water is still cold you know, and it's really a far swim, you know, if anyone has to do it it should be me, it's my job to..."

Already shirtless, Taeyung put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry," he said, "there's a reason she asked me to do it, of all people. Just sit back and watch."

Jungkook stayed quiet as Taehyung continued to undress, revealing a blue swim trunk. Then, without a word, Taehyung began to walk, faster, and faster, until he was running towards the sea, a mysterious smile on his lips.

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