{2} first deal 🌊

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Finally, the stranger settled for a :

"Are you okay ?"

The boy nodded, quietly putting his pants back on despite the very uncomfortable wetness on his legs. His body felt heavier, but somehow the cold had also made him feel lighter. He was himself having a moment, wondering why he took the trouble to simultaneously save this quite ugly hat and make a fool of himself in front of a stranger.

"I, uh, well... thank you ! This, uh... this hat means a lot to me, so I'm really glad you managed to get it back, somehow. My name is Kim Namjoon. I think I've never seen you around here ?"

The boy took a moment to look at the not-really-a-stranger-anymore. He was tall, broad shoulders and chest, empathetic eyes and dimples in each corner of a welcoming smile. Definitely older than him, but not-by far, probably ; he seemed like a genuine and earnest man, and gained the boy's trust in just a few words.

"My name's Jeon Jungkook. It's my first time here."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Gimyong isn't such a touristic attraction," he smiled, "may I ask what brings you to our remote yet charming little town ?" 

"I, uh..."

To be honest, Jungkook wasn't so sure either.

"I guess I needed a change of scenery. I'm thinking of moving here."

"Oh, really ? Welcome to the community then !" The man rejoiced with a wide smile. "When are you planning on living here with us ?''

"Um... now ?"

Namjoon looked down to Jungkook's belongings laid out on the sand : the black t-shirt he had thrown away in the heat of the moment, his coat and shoes, and a bagpack indeed quite massive, but still ridiculously tiny compared to the usual moving truck. He certainly seemed to be questioning some things, but stayed politely quiet on the matter.

"Well, once again, welcome to Gimyong, I hope you'll enjoy your new life here. Where are you moving in, if you don't mind me asking ? I haven't heard of any neighbors selling or renting their place."

"I don't know yet," Jungkook quietly answered, shivering from the wind blowing on his wet shoulders. "I figured I would look for a place as soon as I got here, but I fell asleep on the beach."

The man definitely seemed a little worried now.

"Well, Gimyong is certainly a nice place, but we don't have many people moving in or moving out, I'm not sure it'll be that easy to find a place to stay. We do have a hotel 15mn away from here on the coast, but it'll get expensive pretty quick."

Jungkook stayed silent, taking his time to put his t-shirt and his coat back on. He hadn't thought that far. Maybe he should move to another town, then ? But it was so peaceful, so quiet here... It looked like nothing out of the ordinary ever happened, like the town was perfectly static compared to the everlasting dance of the waves.

The man across him seemed to notice his embarrassment, and began thinking too.

"It may seem a little out of place since we've met like 5 minutes ago," he finally said, "but I may have a deal for you."

The younger boy looked up to him with curiosity, silently expressing his interest. The other smiled.

"First," he continued, "let me introduce myself once again. My name is Kim Namjoon, urban and regional planner. To make it short, I'm in charge of this town and a few others in the region, and in desperate, desperate need for a lifeguard to guard the very beach we're standing on right now. I also happen to be very good friends with the previously-mentioned hotel's general manager. You're a very good swimmer, and I'm a very paranoïd administrator. What do you say ? I get you a deal for a room at the RJ Hotel, breakfast included, and you work for me as a lifeguard until one of us either finds a replacement or a place to live. Deal ?"

Jungkook didn't have to think twice.


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