{11} walls have ears 🌊

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It was only when he began to walk towards the RJ Hotel that Jungkook remembered a very important detail that had totally slipped his mind.

Feeling a slight panic rising up in his chest, he hurried his steps until he was full-on running the whole way back. His phone was still turned off and he had no idea what time it was ; but it was definitely, completely past the time he had promised to meet with Kim Seokjin.

He reached the hotel with sweat pearling down his neck and back, breaths short and heavy. Once inside the hall, he checked the time on the clock ; 9:21PM.

What should he do ? His instinct told him to sneak up the stairs to the third floor and into his room, and pretend like it never happened. He certainly didn't want to face the hotel manager and be scolded like a child, or even worse, teased like a child.

But he knew he had to do better. After all he had been employed as a lifeguard, and even if he didn't see himself as anywhere near capable of guarding anything, let alone guarding anyone's life ; he still felt bound to show a minimum of responsibility-taking.

A-few-days-younger Jungkook would have probably opted for the easy route and would have silently passed the hall. But instead, he bravely turned left and followed the sign into the corridor and towards the hotel manager's office.

He took a few deep breaths in, getting ready to knock on the door, when he noticed it was ajar. Then, he heard voices.

He honestly intended to just wait for the manager to be finished with his discussion, but his attention was caught by the mention of his name. From then on, he discretely and silently leaned a little closer to the door.

"Still, this isn't like you," he heard Seokjin say. "You always do everything by the book. He doesn't have any experience. You don't know anything about him. He could be a serial killer for all we know."

"A serial killer ? Have you seen him ? He falls asleep on the beach and sings pretty songs to the waves. I swear he couldn't hurt anyone even if he tried."

Jungkook's eyes widened when he recognized Namjoon's voice.

"Fair point. But still, I'm just trying to make sure you know what you're doing. Maybe we should let him figure things on his own and not make it our business."

"Or maybe we should have a little empathy, and help him like we would've liked to be helped when we were his age. Don't you think ?"

There was a moment silence, then a sigh.

"Alright, you win. I'll keep him in the hotel. But if he stands me up one more time, I'll definitely kick him out of here and he can sleep on the beach."

"Sure, sure. I'll get going then. Goodnight."


Jungkook's heart missed a beat when he realized that the discussion was over, and that the two would come out of the office. His body tensed up, and he suddenly forgot anything about maturity and responsibility-taking. Frozen for a second, he finally managed to slowly and silently lean away from the door. But as he was about to sprint down the corridor to escape the terrifying prospect of being caught eavesdropping, he heard the distinctive sound of two people kissing.

Or had he misheard something else ?

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The words had been whispered, and even though he barely had heard it, he could tell they had been said through a smile. Quietly, lovingly. An intimate secret.

Secret that he had just unintentionally discovered, and that would totally change the way he had seen the two parties until now.

Nope, he hadn't misheard after all.

sea-kissed 🌊 || j.jk+k.thحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن