Diffrence between I'm and You

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(Chase's P.O.V.)
I walked back into Tom's room and sat beside him. I held his hand in mine again. I closed my eyes and letnout a tired sigh. Tom hadn't moved, he was still in the same position when I first got here. I hadn't slept properly for days but I couldn't sleep. How can anyone possibly sleep peacefully while there is a big chance that you might loose the one you care for. I also felt so guilty, I should've been the one in the hospital bed. Not him. I woke myself up with a jolt and looked back at him again. The cuts and bruises where healing as Tom let out a soft breath. I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand as I layed my head down on the bed and looked up at him. "I have never stopped loving you" I said with a chuckle. Suddenly I felt pressure on my hand. It was so small I could've missed it. I sat up and looked at mine and Tom's hand. I looked at Tom. "Tommy?" I softly spoke moving closer and moving my hand over his cheek while the other still held his hand. "Tommy?" before I could speak further his hand squeezed mine again. My breath got caught in my throat while I watched Tom groan in pain as he woke himself up. His eyes tiredly went open and he tried to sit up. "No Tommy. You need to lay down" I told him as I carefully pushed him back. He looked at me "Chase?" He asked with confusion. I bit my lip and nodded. "Yes. It's me" I said as he laid back down. "I'm sorry" he said and a tear rolled down his cheek. "Sorry for what?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "For judging you to quick" he said with a quivering bottomlip. "So you heard what I said" I asked nodding my head with a sigh. He nodded and grabbed my bicep. I looked at him. "I'm sorry" he said and a tear slipped across his cheek. "I'm sorry that I only ever mess things up. I'm sorry that I have a bad attitude. I'm sorry that I'm a waste of space", "Tom" I carefully said cutting him off, "No Chase. I'm sorry, I'm a waste of time. I'm such a burden. I'm a huge fuck up-", Tom you ar-", "I'm sorry I can't do anything right and-" "TOM!" I yelled angry. He looked at me, tears shimmering in his eyes. "You are not anything you say you are. You are so much more. You are worthy. You are someone, the only version of you to ever exist in the universe. You are great and most of all you are SEPCIAL. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then you might see how special you are to me. Because I can guarantee you if you weren't I would not be here. Because you broke my heart into a thousand pieces but I did the same to you. I kept it a secrete. We both crashed because we thought different from each other. I may never forget it, but I can forgive you all I ask is can you forgive me as well" I said to him. He smilled said "yes".

I was so happy. Tom is doing better and he even wanted to go on a date again. We both realized we hadn't stopped loving each other. Even the news covered our story and the TRUE fans came back supporting our relationship even more then before.

(Couple days later)

Tom was still in hospital. I came back in the room with a coffee in my hand for myself and tea for Tom. "Tom!" I called out, he turned around "what?" He asked. Stop messing with you IV" I said and he stopped scratching at it. "But it itches" he complained. I rolled my eyes. "Here is your tea you Englishman" I said and handed him it. A nurse came in a checked up on Tom. She eventually left after she took some blood. "Pretty sure this nurse wants to kill me" he said and rubbed over the spot where blood was just taken from. "Chasey?" Tom said looking at me. I turned my head and looked at him with an annoyed expression. He knows I hate that nickname. "I want to go home", "just a few more days and I can take you home" I replied continue to read the newpaper. "But I keep telling them I am fine. I can go home" Tom said continue to conplain, "you are not 100% yet. So you need to rest" I answered back. But when Tom wants something he keeps going. "Chase!" He continued like an annoying child. I sighed and laid the news paper down and answered with an annoyed "yes". He smirked because he succeded in getting my attention. "I'm tired of laying in this stupid bed all day" he told me. "What do you want me to do about it?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "I want to walk around" he replied. "Well you can't walk around Mr Holland but we can lend you and Mr Downey a wheelchair so you can ride around the hospital" Doctor Martin replied walking in. Tom's eyes grew wider as a wheelchair was pushed into the room.

Published: october 21, 2019

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