Dutch nicknames

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I was live on Instagram when Sebastian walked past me and playfully bumped into me. I stumbled forward and almost dropped my phone. "You dick" I laughed shaking my head. "Sorry didnt see you there" he replied, "oh because Im the smallest?" I snapped friendly. He nodded. He stepped towards me and looked over my shoulder at the screen of the phone. Many comments came on the screen for Sebastian and a lot of heart came on. "Whats that?" He asked pointing to the hearts, "love hearts to show their live to you and me" I replied, "oh. We dont do love hearts right Chase". I nodded at the camera. "What do we do?". After he said that we both showed the middle finger to each other. "We also call each other names in our native language" Seb said. "Je bent een sukkel" I said, "he just called me an idiot" Seb said placing hand on his heart like he was hurt. "Anthony. Chase called me a.... a..... a....." he stopped yelling at Anthony and looked at me. "What did you say?" He whispered. "Sukkel" I asnwered. "Thanks" he said patting my back and looked back at Anthony on the otherside of the room. "He called me a sukkel" Seb called, "what the hell does that mean" Anthony yelled coming towards us. "I better go" I said to the camera and slowly walked away from the yelling grown men. Something grabbed my collar. I gazed back and saw Sebastians hand holding me but looking at the approaching Anthony. He was still talking, explaining, to Anthony what a sukkel is. "Man dont call us idiots or dumbasses in Dutch. We aint smart" Anthony said. "You're right" I say as I try to get Sebastians hand off me. The both of them turned their gaze towards me and looked at me with faces 'what did you just say' and 'Im going to kill you'. I ran still live-streaming Instagram. I was laughing and yelling running from the two grown ups. I ran past my dad. "Wow wow wow. Whats going on" he said seeing me, "I called Sebastian and Anthony a sukkel and now Im going to die" I say out of breath. "You did that to yourself" he replied having no sympathy. "Dont tell them where I am" I say hiding. I hear footsteps and see Anthony and Sebastian. "Downey where are you?!" Anthony called out. "Im right here" dad said raising his hand, "not you Robert" Anthony said annoyed. "Oh you mean Chase. He's over there" he said pointing where I was sitting. I got out my hiding spot. "Dad. What the hell" I said spreading my arms, unbelievable that he ratted me out. Sebastian and Anthony ran towards me. I ran and had dropped the phone. While I was running in circles around my father with the two guys hot on my tail. I saw him picking up my phone. He turned the camera to me and the guys. "Run Forest run" he yelled out, "Thats.. not.. my.. name!" I yelled out.

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