Epic or Fail

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Audience clapping.

"And back with the insanely talented Robert Downey JR and his son Chase Downey. I thought lets play a round of our favorite game-" Ellen started and picked up something. "Its called Epic or Fail. And here's what gonna happen-" she said. Both me and dad made ourselves a bit more comfortable. "We're gonna show a video. Stop it. Right before. And here are your paddles-" she handed the paddles. I immediatly faked hitting my dad over his head, earning laughs from the audience. He looked at me, stern with a raised eyebrow and actually hit me across the head with his paddle. I cursed in dutch. "Anyway. We are gonna guess if the video an Epic or a Fail is-" I nodded. "Ready. Let's see the first one. It's an ice bucket challenge" Ellen said discribing the video.

A guy picking up a bucket but you can see him having trouble with it.

Ellen: I think it goes onto him. (Fail)

Robert: I'll give the counterpoint, just in case. (Epic)

Chase: no he is already wobbling. (Fail)

The wrong guy gets all the water over him.

Dad laughs at this in a dissapointing manner. "He did not have control" Ellen said. "What are you talking about that was epic" Dad said, "ya. An epic-fail" I yelled at him. "Here's a truck racing competition" ellen explained.

A truck car thing is going fast on the dessert and he is going really fast and goes over a bump.

We all think a bit.

Audience: Epic!!

Ellen: (epic)

Robert: (fail)

Chase: he's going to fast I think (fail)

The car goes up and does a summersalt but he could drive further.

Dad yells in excitment. "I love that I was happy that it went poorly" dad says making me laugh. "But is it an epic? Because he drove further, but his motor cap thing was broken" I asked. "Yeah he landed back on the tires again" Ellen added. "First launch of a lifeboat" ellen said

A lifeboat submarine thing was on a platform thing and was let go. It didnt even came close to the water and they paussed the video.

Chase: I dont know (50/50)

Ellen laughs at my choice: (fail)

Robert: (epic)

Chase: are you gonna choose the oppisite of Ellen everytime?

Ellen: quickly turns the paddle (epic)

Robert: does the same (fail)

The video unpauses. The boat hits the water and does a flip but lands it.

"Wow" me and dad say at the same time. "Alright this should be good-" she said and looked at her cards. "This is an actor doing a shakespeare audition". "Oh is it Chase?" Dad asks. I do a facepalm.

A guy says some lines of shakespeare and there is a chair behind him. He soon steps onto the chair.

Ellen: aha (fail)

Robert: (fail)

Chase: thats the first time you are on the same page as Ellen (fail)

The guy stands on the chair completely and it leans to the side and topples over and he falls ontop of it, breaking it.

"Ouch. You can feel his pain-" I start, "maybe because that happened to me before" I say with my hand over my mouth to 'hide' it. "Why wasnt I there?" Dad asked, "thanks dad. You would laugh instead of helping me up" I said looking serious. He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed. "I would've picked you up. After I stopped laughing" he said going back to the giggles. Dads, gotta love 'em. "One more-" ellen said and looked at her crew. They nodded. "Are we gonna do the one with the soccerball?". She got a thumbs up.

A large man runs towards a soccer ball that is rolled towards him.

Robert: oh come (fail)

Ellen: no (fail)

Chase shaking my head: (fail)

The man steps on the ball and falls. Popping the ball, I think.

"ow ouch" dad says laughing. "His movie is (put you fav movie off RDJ) it opens in theaters tomorrow" Ellen says pointing at dad, who sits upright looking proud. "Robert Downey jr and Chase Downey everybody". Me and dad make kissing gestures to everyone. Suddenly dad moves to me and grabbs me and kisses my cheek. I get up. "No. No. Nooooooo!!!!" I yell falling to my knees. "Yesss! Finnally! I told you I would get you" dad said yelling. "Oh yeah. You could never kiss him on camera" Ellen says laughing seeing me curled up into a ball fake crying. And dad dancing shaking his butt, his so called happy-dance.

Poor Chase getting embarrased by his dad.

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