Different memories

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"The star Chase Downey"

"Heart attack at Comic-Con"

"Marvel standing still to remember"

"Chase Downey"

"Died of a heart attack"

"Avenger in a coma after heart attack"

"Will he recover?"

"#PrayforDowney Is trending on Social media"

The screen of the tv showed many journalist speak in short screentime and tell their story about Chase. After that the speaker for the BBC News came on.

"These are some of the many things shown on the news about Chase Downey. Our resources say that in the break of Comic-Con this weekend. The actor got a heart attack and is now in hospital. None of the family or his co-stars want to tell anything about the state Chase is in" he announced.

A screen came on from Robert Downey Jr getting bombarded by papparrazi asking question about Chase. Same went for the other actors from Marvel.

(Roberts P.O.V.)
I grabbed the tv remote and switched the news off and threw the remote back on the couch in the break room on the set. "They dont know anything, about what happened. He's been in hospital for 1 day" I said gritting my teeth. "Then you have to tell them. But its up to you Rob" Benedict said. I bit the inside of my cheek. "Then thats what we are going to do" I said. "Wait. What do you mean we?" Hiddleston asked. "Grab your phones guys. We are going to tell them what is going on" I said walking away.

(Hollands P.O.V.)
I looked at the rest of the cast but we all got up and followed Robert. We walked out the break room and onto the set. "How do you want to tell them?" Paul Rudd asked. "We are making a little video on our phones and then put it online at the same time" Robert answered. "No we are not" Anthony Russo said. Robert looked a bit pissed at this. "We are making the video with these cameras" Anthony said gesturing at the movie cameras. "If we want the real news. Then we have to do it big" Joseph said. You could see a smile come on Roberts face.

(A day later)

A million phones beeped all around the world. The phones from people who all have one thing in common. The love for Marvel and their actors. So when all the actors and staff members posted a video online all at once. That was special and it wasn't because of a new trailer was dropping or something. Nope, they all posted a video of Robert Downey Jr explaining what happened and a memory with Chase or something that they liked about Chase.


They all had tears in their eyes while talking about Chase but there was a smile as well.

-Tom Holland: "the pranks. Always playing pranks on every single one of us. Like switching the stunt double's shoes with the the actors shoes".

-Sebastian Stan: "he was like a little brother"
-Anthony Mackie: "yes but an annoying little brother"
-Sebastian Stan: "thats for sure"

-Benedict Cumberbatch: "he was very clumsy. Tripping, falling, bumping into things".

-Scarlett Johanson: "he practised pick-up lines on us, remember?"
-Elizabeth Olsen: "oh I remember. It was even cuter because he never used the pick-up lines while talking to a girl. He was to sweet for that"
-Scarlett Johanson: "My favorite from him was". " If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand. And yours?"
-Elizabeth Olsen: "are you a volcano? Because I lava you".

-Paul Betthany: "Him trying to teach Dutch to everyone".

-Chris Hemsworth: "everyday saying who the better Chris is for that day".
-Chris Pratt: "yeah. Its Evans now. Because he dressed nice".
-Chris Evans: "and I would've worn the Captain America suit. That I wore the day before as well".

-Anthony Russo: "shy at first but soon he would tell you everything about what he thought what should happen in a scene".
-Joseph Russo: "thats right. Or he would draw the characters and stuff. He was like a little kid. Showing a new script or a scene and asking what we thought"
-Anthony Russo: "and dang you had to be honest to him".

-Brie Larson: "the way he always stood up for his fans and co-stars".

-Samuel l Jackson: "wanting to do all his own stunt. Yet he can't walk properly sometimes".

-Jeremy Renner: "he watched one of my other movies called 'Tag' and ever since it came out. He plays tag out of no where".

-Mark Ruffalo: "standing behind the camera, while I was doing a scene as the Hulk. I had to scream and he always screamed with me".

-Zendaya: "we always got tired at the end of the day and he would be like a child who ate candy the whole day".

And many more like this.

"So if you have a memory or something you like about Chase. Please share. Because we don't know if he'll wake up out of the coma" Robert explained.

Fans all over the world posted videos online about Chase or a photo with a caption about him. But also respect for how Robert takes care of the rumours and stuff.

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