The truth is

400 12 3

(Chase's P.O.V.)
I arrived with dad on set. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone about me being gay. He said that I would do it myself once Im comfortable. We walked towards our co-stars. Tom spotted me and stood up immediatly. My body started to freak out. You know butterflies in your stomach, you getting nervous. Oh how I love the signs of having a crush. Tom walked over to me and we did our handsake. I messed it up because I was so focused on Tom. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Thats weird. You never mess up our handsake" he said chuckling as he smiled at me. Stop smilling you're killing me inside. "Are you alright?". "Yes" I answered back no you're not. Tom nodded and turned around before looking back at me. Did he just check me out? My brain questioned. No I probably just imagined it. I turned back at dad. Who just had a smirk on his face. I ignored it and walked further.

A while later we were eating lunch. Tom was across from me. I peaked sneaky glances at him. He probably caught me so times as well. I auddenly felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out my pocket and held it underneath the table. I unlocked it and saw I had a messaged from dad. I looked up to see him sitting there with his signature smirk. His eyes went down quickly. Telling me to open the message. I rolled my eyes but was to curious. So I opened the message.

Good ol' dad:
Do you even pick up hints?

What are u talking about

Good ol' dad:
While you sneak glances at Tommy boy. He has been doing the same.

Probably because he thinks I'm weird

I quickly put my phone back in my pocket. It started to buzz again. I glanced at dad. He was looking down at his phone but met my gaze. "Pick up your phone" he mouthed. I mouthed a "no" back. His facial expression changed and immediatly my phone went crazy. I shot him a death glare while fumbling to get my phone out. I stood up tripping back over the chair. "Stop it!" I said. I walked back tripping over the chair once again. "No" I said in a child like voice as I muted my phone. I turned around and walked out.

(Tom's P.O.V.)
I stood up and walked after Chase. I found him sitting on the ground against the wall. I watched him for a couple seconds before walking over to him. I sat down next to him. He tensed up but relaxed and scooted away from me. That sadly broke my heart a bit. "Are you okay?" I asked him. I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Please don't touch me" he said. He looked into my eyes and I saw sad eyes. I looked away with a hurtfull look. We stayed in silence for a while before he suddenly spoke. "Im just gonna say it"

(Chase's P.O.V.)

"You are my best friend. I don't think I have the words to explain how much you mean to me. You've helped me more than any person has done in my life..... well exept maybe for dad....". I heard him laugh softly at my joke. "The long nights of laughing at what seems like nothing and everything, the pep talks, the ego checks. The way you helped me with recovery and my depression and anxienty attacks" I said and looked at him. He had a smile on his face and his eyes started to water. "You never fail to slap me in the face with reality when I need or deserve it. Nor do you hesitate to give me a helping hand when it's obvious that I can't do it in my own" I explained looking over the set. "I don't let people get close to me easily. But I'm happy I did with you and I wouldnt know what to do with out you" I said. A silence fell between us before I continued. I really hesitated. "There is a risk in falling for your best friend. And once you fall in love with a best friend, there is no telling what will happen. What if they feel the same? And then there is the danger of them not feeling the same. It can ruin and break your relationship with them, you know. There's the danger of having an awkwardness between the two. Or even worse. You'd lose your best friend. And the truth is......"

(Tom's P.O.V.)
I waited patiently for him to continue. My heart racing, it was hopefull.

(Chase's P.O.V.)
"The truth is that's why I'm scared of getting attached to you. But yet it happened" I said. I looked at him. A facial expression I couldnt read. "I fell in love with you" I said. Still the unreadabile facial expression. I sighed and stood up. "Now you know. I get why you want to leave me alone" I said. I felt the tears treathening to spill. So I walked away.

(Tom's P.O.V.)
My best friend just admitted his love for me. And he thinks I hate him. I'm about to show him. I ran after Chase and called out to him. He stopped but didn't turn around. "Chase look at me, please?" I begged him. He shook his head. "No. Tom please... just go" he said. I could hear the sadness in his voice. I shook my head. Now or never Tom my brain spoke to me giving me the confidence to do the thing I never thought I would do. I grabbed Chase's shoulder turned him around. So he would face me. I quickly moved forward grabbing his face in my hands and putting my lips on his. I can tell you this, it was everything I have ever dreamt off. I wouldnt say there were fireworks. But there were fireworks and a whole fucking lot of em.

Thank you for 10K reads💥💋💝
It's weird to think that so many people like to read my stuff. I never wanted to publish it. But I had so much Fan-Fiction idea's. From Marvel to TEEN-WOLF to some LUCIFER and even some small original fictions/idea's. And I always wanted to share them but was scared you guys might not like them. Guess I was very wrong. So again thanks for sticking with me and helping to develop Chase as a character.

As the Marvel fandom knows LOVE YA 3000!!

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